Hey all… using 11.4 with GNOME on an Acer 5517 Aspire. No hiccups so far at all, and I’m loving the distro. Wifi worked almost out of the box, after I installed firmware. It connects to my home network without any trouble at all, never disconnects… today I’m at an out-of-home location, and connected to a network that I have never had any problems with on Windows or Ubuntu 11.04. It was connected for just a second, then disconnected. Same with the other 3 public networks accessible. I’m using NetworkManager, and as I have no network access I can’t install the needed dependencies to go back to traditional ifup.
Any idea what might be causing a problem like this? I’ve never seen something like this in my Linux journey. Thanks in advance, will do my best to post any outputs I can, though I’m obviously accessing 'net on another machine.