I am not positive, but its worth a try for full internet

Hello all I think my internet problem with OpenSuse is related to all ports in internet addresses is the fact that not all my ports are not open. So if anyone can tell me how to open all ports or at least relative ones I would be happy to try anything so I can say I tried this and this and either luck or still no luck I like open suse and don’t want to give up on it till I try all and every option tried or available. Problems arise and its nice to try and fix. So my problem is I been told I have the correct solution or in windows terms “driver”, I get some internet but when I click on a link or try to move ahead in pages I get the error “cannot find the page” or some **** like that. I know for sites like Skype.com I can only go so far then get stopped. My nic card is a Realtek X1920 my system an Acer Aspire x1920 Intel chip at a good speed. The fact that I have a problem in the first place is bothersome! So if anyone can help or give me pointers to try I am all ears. Thank you ?:slight_smile:

You need to tell us more than this.

openSUSE Version:

Desktop Used:

Full Model Number for Your Computer:

Is this a Desktop or Laptop?

Do you have or use Wireless Networking?

How Long have you been using openSUSE Linux?

Have you tried any other Linux Versions with the Computer?

Thank You,

It is unlikely that you need to open ports.

From your description, your problems are most likely one of:

DNS problems: perhaps try the public google DNS servers;
ISP problems: perhaps your ISP connection is unstable;
WiFi problems.

As jdmcdaniel3 has suggested, you will need to provide more information if you want us to be able to help.

We need information, these commands will return the information. Please post the dialogue that you get from these. First run command su to get rootly powers, then these:

  • This command will tell us about your hardware:
hwinfo --network
  • This command will tell us about your ethernet connection:
  • This command will tell us about your Name Resolvers:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
  • This command will tell us about your pathway to the outside:

So please give us the answers for those.

On Sat, 01 Sep 2012 20:36:03 +0000, Synic74 wrote:

> Hello all I think my internet problem with OpenSuse is related to all
> ports in internet addresses is the fact that not all my ports are not
> open.

Rather than start with a solution, it would be best if you started by
describing, in as much detail as possible, your specific problem.

See http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html - specifically the
section “Describe the problem’s symptoms, not your guesses”.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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