I was sitting at the computer yesterday when I noticed an annoying white spot on my screen. Not wishing to damage my new and precious Samsung monitor I went to the shop and bought some special screen wipes.
After some serious rubbing at the spot, I realised that it was in fact a “star” from my “outer-space” desktop wallpaper, showing through my slightly transparent Taskbar.
OK you’re an idiot, do you feel better now, but then again we’ve all done it, I’ve just spent on hour swearing at my printer until i realised the usb cable had fallen out.
I spent a quarter of an hour looking for my keys, with them in my hand. Sober. I repeatedly put them down in order to rummage through things, didn’t find them, and picked them up again.
Some wit once said that you know you are losing your marbles when you look for your spectacles and by the time you find them you forgot what it was you needed them for.
I’ve done a related thing, and that is to try to put on a pair of spectacles while already wearing one. Ow! I’d better see the optometrist about a new pair.
walking to the garage to get a screwdriver to pull a case apart to figure out why it shuts down knowing its going to be full of dust bunnies, and finding instead pair of socks. While trying to remember why there are socks in the garage remembering to add wiper solution to the wifes car. Out of solution so back in the house, socks in hand and no screwdriver, to get the keys to go buy some wiper solution.
Rummaging for the keys, socks in hand, not remember where the keys are then seeing the dog dish is empty, fill dog dish, then standing in the kitchen, empty handed, trying to remember why you needed keys, wondering why didn’t I get a screwdriver and thinking where’d the socks go?
A day in the life of a geek, to much on the brain not enough to hold it all.
Your story is very very funny. We humans are like computers, and several times we get overloaded with information. That`s what the quantum physics is demonstrating…
On Thursday 04 Feb 2010 08:56, premamotion scribbled:
> Your story is very very funny. We humans are like computers, and
> several times we get overloaded with information. That`s what the
> quantum physics is demonstrating…
I think my brain is running Windows ME and I badly need a defrag.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”
No, but at the time it was my Girlfriend’s socks found at the foot of my bed by my Mother! :shame:
Good thing is, she can’t say too much becasue that girlfriend is now my wife and mother of the only Grandchildren in the family lol!
But I am constantly walking into a room, stopping and trying to remember why I walked in there.
I think my kids know, and enjoy watching me cringe by asking me something stupid in the hallway on my way from one room to the other, knowing my mind can only hold one thought at a time!
Those rotten, litt- … hey, look at the butterfly:P
I supported my girlfriend/wife on a birthday party where she stated “Men can do only one thing at a time” by adding “and even that is haaaaarrrrrdddddd”.
People laughed, I was serious.