Hyprland doesn't work on my OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

I don’t know what exactly might cause this. Although I suspect, that it is either the issue of me having an Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti (Laptop version) or me installing Gecko Linux instead of the default openSUSE (although this distro is basically different only because of few extra repos enabled, drivers installed and a different installer).
SDDM sees Hyprland. But when I try to launch it, the screen just shows a blinking underscore for five seconds, after which it returns to SDDM. The same issue with Sway. The only thing that even launches on Wayland is Gnome. But it is still insanely buggy. X11 works just fine - KDE, Qtile. Only OpenBox is not launching out of all X11 WM’s.
I would be thankful for any help and I am ready to provide any additional info if needed.

Not sure what you mean with this? Do you not know what your are running or do you have a “mixed” setup somehow?

How did you install Hyperland? sudo zypper se Hyperland gives me nothing.

Because it is called Hyprland

ich@laptop:~> sudo zypper se Hyprland
[sudo] Passwort für root: 
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...

S | Name                        | Summary                                          | Type
  | hyprland                    | Dynamic tiling Wayland compositor                | Paket
  | hyprland-devel              | Files required to build Hyprland plugins         | Paket
  | hyprland-protocols-devel    | Development files for Hyprland protocols         | Paket
  | nwg-dock-hyprland           | Hyprland application dock                        | Paket
  | xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland | Extended xdg-desktop-portal backend for Hyprland | Paket

Wat about my first question?

Okay, hyprlands installs and run for me. I get the start screen with no menu and something like “use super+Q to get kitty” but tried many things but could not get kitty.

How? I just installed it and did go to the KDE settings and there I saw the option for Hyprland

Selected it and that made the computer boot in Hyprland.

Didn’t work. Should I just directly boot into it without SDDM? Because I would still want to boot in by first entering the password.

It is a distro based on openSUSE. It has the same relationship to OpenSUSE, that Endeavor OS has to Arch, but with no additional apps added to the default OpenSUSE and DE apps. So almost anything, that works for an average openSUSE user, should work for me.

This information will not help to get the issue solved, what did you exactly do, did the instructions I shared work for you, etc. etc. Ideally you should share a step by step description what you did not what you notice.

Sorry for not being very descriptive. So, I ticked all of the same boxes, that you have shown on the screenshot, in my settings, loged out of my qtile session, changed session to Hyprland, saw a blinking underscore and was thrown back to the SDDM login screen.

And also I don’t get anything like a start screen with any text, just an underscore

This is how my session looked like:

sudo journalctl -b -1 | grep sddm
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Initializing...
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Starting...
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Logind interface found
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Adding new display...
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Loaded empty theme configuration
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Xauthority path: "/run/sddm/xauth_uriiNs"
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Using VT 2
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Display server starting...
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Writing cookie to "/run/sddm/xauth_uriiNs"
Sep 07 20:54:25 mypc sddm[1360]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_uriiNs -noreset -displayfd 16
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Setting default cursor
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Running display setup script  "/usr/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup"
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Display server started.
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/hyprland.desktop"
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/hyprland.desktop"
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/hyprland.desktop" selected, command: "Hyprland" for VT 3
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: [PAM] Starting...
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: [PAM] Authenticating...
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: [PAM] returning.
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Authentication for user  "marel"  successful
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: pam_unix(sddm-autologin:session): session opened for user marel(uid=1000) by marel(uid=0)
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: pam_kwallet5(sddm-autologin:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: pam_kwallet5(sddm-autologin:session): pam_kwallet5: open_session called without kwallet5_key
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Authentication information: SDDM::Auth::INFO_UNKNOWN "Last login: Thu Sep  7 20:20:47 CEST 2023 on tty3"
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1486]: Starting Wayland user session: "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session" "Hyprland"
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1499]: Jumping to VT 3
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm-helper[1499]: VT mode didn't need to be fixed
Sep 07 20:54:26 mypc sddm[1360]: Session started true

How does your log differ?

@MikeGru I’m running Hyprland on MicroOS, but I start it straight from TTY1. I have it also running on a MicroOS Aeon again, all with Intel. I suspect it’s the login manager…

So if you switch to tty1 (ctrl+alt+F1), login as root user and set runlevel 3 systemctl isolate multi-user.target, exit, then login as your user and run Hyprland does the session start?