HVR-950Q USB TV Tuner Card

Has anyone had any success with installing the HVR-950Q TV Tuner card? I am trying it after giving up on the hvr-1500c (15 months trying!). If so any help would sure be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

OK here is a fix, not mythtv, but a good start.

I wasn’t able to get TVTime working as mine defaults to /dev/video0 without /dev/video1 as an option but I thought I would try another time for some way and stumbled upon the solution. For those interested I simply found a folder called /etc/tvtime and gedited the file in it and simply changed the dev/video0 to dev/video1, and awesome my card is show NTSC!! and has great sound with the aforementioned command # tvtime | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay -

It perplexes me that a seemingly simply program like tvtime can do what MythTV can’t or is there something I am missing? Well thanks for the great blog that helped me!

OK an Update for anyone else interested; I have had a certain level of success with MythTV. :slight_smile: I have just got video somewhat working, audio not yet. Any suggestions?

In a nutshell, it seems the card times out too fast, as can be seen in dmesg by the driver loading and updating so many times!
I also found a site that recommended updated v4l called v4l-dvb-749f7ddc61ab (with patches implemented for bugs with the 950Q and MythTV).@ v4l-dvb: log

The solution to the first issue was stated as to go to the page where you add the capture card. You will see 2 settings and should change both to 6000 (6 secs).(I couldn’t find them, though saw them at some point in my struggles)

Also, create a file named /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf and add this line:“options xc5000 no_poweroff=1”(no quotes).
You can now reboot or unload the xc5000 driver: sudo modprobe -r xc5000, and reload it by: sudo modprobe xc5000

and make sure your capture resolution for LiveTV mode and the various capture modes is set to 720x480 (the default in MythTV is 480x480), or you get horrible video.

I hope this sure helps others. And any help with audio troubleshooting would be appreciated??? Thanks in advance.

Still struggling getting the HVR-950Q to work with analog and MythTV. If anyone has any troubleshooting mythtv suggestions or a working version of this please!!! elaborate.

Thanks in advance,

Hey Mark,

Did you check here: LinuxTV.org - Television with Linux ? You may need a newer kernel, or patches, they’re found there with instructions.

Thanks for the reply. As for a general update, here is where i am at.

I have video totally functional with livetv and recording, but have never got the audio to work yet. Read on if you dare.

The video new functionality started after a complete reinstall and purge of mythtv. Though I was still getting only a black screen but proper video was being recorded size-wise (700MiB/10 minutes), and no audio. Then after, and get this!, opening tvtime, (while Mythtv was recording, and I was viewing it’s black screen), of course and happily it said the device was busy … I closed it … no change …then closed the terminal I had opened tvtime with, and BAMMM! the video starts to work for the first time in months!, repeated 3 times, just to be sure. And since a reboot now it plays without a hitch …awesome! but
still NO audio.
I will get back to the audio issue in a bit, but I should mention for the sake of others that I also:
1/ updated the V4l-dvb, and
2/ added the no_poweroff command, and
3/ let mythtv keep it’s username and password as mythtv:mythtv

Now back to audio, can someone please help direct me in troubleshooting this? I am almost certain it is a MythTV or Ubuntu setting oversight. I can see in Ubuntu’s Sound Preferences under Input, that the meter is pulsing when the 950Q device is selected, and when I am watching the recording I hear static like it is from my headset mic. How do I go from seeing it Input, seeing it in Recording, to Hearing it in MythTV?

Thanks in advance, … Getting so close! :sarcastic:

I am almost certain it is a MythTV or Ubuntu setting oversight. I can see in Ubuntu’s Sound Preferences under Input, that the meter is pulsing when the 950Q device is selected, and when I am watching the recording I hear static like it is from my headset mic. How do I go from seeing it Input, seeing it in Recording, to Hearing it in MythTV?

oldcpu is the sound guru around here. You’re running Ubuntu, correct? I know this may sound obvious, but have you checked your mixer levelsor enabled relevant inputs?


This thread may be helpful


BTW, I don’t wish to confuse things for you (or myself), but I notice many sound config threads concerning tv-tuner cards seem to mention the use of sox (sound conversion tool). For example

Linux Configure Pinnacle PCTV Card to Watch Television with saa7134 / saa7134-alas Driver

Arch Linux Forums / No video and sound with tv card saa7134

(See posts by eldragon and Gusar)

Also mentioned in http://en.opensuse.org/HCL/TV_Cards

(See Hauppauge 1110 entry)

It would to be good to get further clarification on this with others using tv-tuner cards.

Edit: Also read this


Hey thanks Deano for your concern

The alsamixer was a nice try but alas no difference just confirms that it is using my microphone as the audio. How can I get it to choose my card?

An I looked at the 5 links and I don’t think SOX helps here. I do get sound working fine with …
“tvtime | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay”,
does that give any insight.

And I have played with all the levels in Ubuntu’s sound preferences over and over, but just recently in mythtv (it is a little too overwhelming for me). I do have another card (pvrusb2 which is working great with mythtv, so it was good for testing), and it proved that alsa:default is the best for it, pulseaudio was giving sound but grossly distorted. And with my experience with winecfg, alsa seems to be my only functional sound system.

Doe this bring us any closer to a solution. I sure would have liked to see the hvr-950q in the alsamixer columns, perhaps a better mixer program?

Thanks, at least we’re narrowing it down a bit I think.

Oh and another curious thing was I had noticed no meter pulses showing in Sound_Preferences/Input_Devices/HVR950Q so I rebooted and went there to see it pulsing madly, and optimistically opened Mythfrontend, and the second it popped open the meter (in Volume Control) went dead.

It is all finally working … video , audio , recording , and livetv , FINALLY

and the audio was simply solved by choosing the second choice for audio devices in myth-setup > tuner card > hvr950Q >>> This will never be /dev/dsp, and is most often /dev/dsp1.

Each /dev/dspX corresponds to a “sound card” device in your system. If all you have is the motherboard sound, and the 950Q, then it really should be /dev/dsp1. It was for me, and boom it works, hallelujah!

thanks to mlord from Digital Forum, and thanks for all here who put up with my constant updates. lol!lol!

rotfl! As a final update for anyone who is struggling with this card, as I did. Here is my summary of notes, and thanks to all who helped.
1/ add the line: “options xc5000 no_poweroff=1 debug=1” no quotes , to:
∘ # sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf and
∘ # sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/xc5000.conf

• The digital side is easy to set up – if your 950Q is your only tuner, then it will show up (digital) as the only DVB device. The only trick here, is to create a custom recorder group (instead of the default of “generic”) for it.

• Then tackle the analog side. If it is your only tuner device, then this will be /dev/video0, and probably /dev/dsp1 for the audio – yes you need this field.

• Then put it in the same recorder group as the digital side.

• After doing mythfilldatabase and setting up the channels for everything, fire up mythfrontend. Go into the Setup → … → Recording Profiles, and set the resolution for the analog to be 720x480 for everything (default, live-tv, etc…). Change the audio sampling rate to 48000.
• You need to make sure your capture resolution for LiveTV mode and the various capture modes is set to 720x480 (the default in MythTV is 480x480)

• you’ll need to create an “input source” for digital, and a second “input source” for analog. Yes, they can both point at exactly the same schedulesdirect.org channel lineup, but they do need to be separate otherwise.
∘ Then use the “input connections” menu in mythtv-setup to point the digital side of the 950Q at the digital “source”, and the analog side at the analog “source”.

• sound with tvtime using :
∘ tvtime | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay

• change the MythTV sound device for the analog side of the HVR-1500-950Q to be /dev/dsp1 again. MythTV now has working sound in analog mode and I have been able to change between analog and digital modes (and vice versa) without any of the problems seen in the past. rotfl!

As a final update for anyone who is struggling with this card, as I did. Here is my summary of notes, and thanks to all who helped.
1/ add the line: “options xc5000 no_poweroff=1 debug=1” no quotes , to:
∘ # sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf and
∘ # sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/xc5000.conf

• The digital side is easy to set up – if your 950Q is your only tuner, then it will show up (digital) as the only DVB device. The only trick here, is to create a custom recorder group (instead of the default of “generic”) for it.

• Then tackle the analog side. If it is your only tuner device, then this will be /dev/video0, and probably /dev/dsp1 for the audio – yes you need this field.

• Then put it in the same recorder group as the digital side.

• After doing mythfilldatabase and setting up the channels for everything, fire up mythfrontend. Go into the Setup → … → Recording Profiles, and set the resolution for the analog to be 720x480 for everything (default, live-tv, etc…). Change the audio sampling rate to 48000.
• You need to make sure your capture resolution for LiveTV mode and the various capture modes is set to 720x480 (the default in MythTV is 480x480)

• you’ll need to create an “input source” for digital, and a second “input source” for analog. Yes, they can both point at exactly the same schedulesdirect.org channel lineup, but they do need to be separate otherwise.
∘ Then use the “input connections” menu in mythtv-setup to point the digital side of the 950Q at the digital “source”, and the analog side at the analog “source”.

• sound with tvtime using :
∘ tvtime | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay

• change the MythTV sound device for the analog side of the HVR-1500-950Q to be /dev/dsp1 again. MythTV now has working sound in analog mode and I have been able to change between analog and digital modes (and vice versa) without any of the problems seen in the past.

Try the following
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:norm=NTSC:input=0:device=/dev/video1:chanlist=us-cable:alsa:adevice=hw.1,0:amode=2:audiorate=32000:forceaudio:immediatemode=0


Of course, you would need to play with the settings to optimize its performance. It works with HVR-950(non-Q) version for me.