Just a reminder, the HIB 3 is expiring in just over a day, so if you want to get it now is the time. If you’re worried that it won’t be worth it to you, you can lowball your fee upfront, and then donate more from the download page after you’ve tested the programs. I got the last HIB and didn’t really like any of the games, but this time around I think cogs and steel storm are definite winners.
Cogs–simple, fun, attractive puzzler
Steel Storm–this isn’t the bullet-hell game I was hoping for, it’s a little bit more strategic–for example you can use luring tactics from old-school action rpg type games and abuse firing angles. Also, overhead games, this one included, are having problems with the widescreen monitors due to the fact that naturally “forward” for your character seems like it should be up, but then that is the direction with the least visibility. Anyhow, it’s a good looking, smooth running action game.
Machinarium is very nice, after you learn to run it in window mode (fullscreen has severe mouse issues).
I bought the whole package, although I’m not much of a gamer, but I think the devs are worth the support.
After some tinkering all games are running smoothly in oS 11.4 64-bit KDE4.6.5 + nvidia 7300SE with proprietary driver version 260.19 
Only VVVVVV wouldn’t run the 64-bit executable (complains about libtiff4 that doesn’t exist), but 32-bit runs fine.
Hammerfight required the 1.87 version patch to be playable (too slow otherwise, something to do with vsync).
The RPM packs installed without a hitch, for the bin and tar.gz packages I only had to create the shortcuts in KDE menu editor - including defining the working directory, or most would fail.
Oh, and Crayon Physics, Machinarium, Osmos and Steel Storm are awesome! Cogs is very nice, and Braid is kinda cute. VVVVVV is totally retro, remind me of the first atari games, with 80x25 character “graphics”…
All in all, an excellent buy for the price.
The other games not mentioned above are:
- And Yet it Moves (sideways scrolling with a twist),
- Atom Zombie Smasher,
- Cortex Command (preview, work in progress), and
- Revenge of the Titans.
All run well, didn’t experience any crashes (yet) 
For future reference, to run these games in 64-bit oS 11.3 or 11.4 you need the -32bit compatibility packages for:
- libSDL-1_2-0
- libSDL_image-1_2-0
- libSDL_mixer-1_2-0
- libqt4-x11
All these are found in the standard Yast repos.
Also remove the following libs from …/CrayonPhysicsDeluxe/lib32/ folder, or else you’ll just get an empty background game window:
- libSDL-1.2.so.0
- libSDL_image-1.2.so.0
- libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0
You might need other libs that I already had in my system. If any of the games won’t run, just start it from a terminal and see what is missing.
In some machinarium mini-games (like space invaders at the arcade) it is better to play in fullscreen where the left/right keys work, else you just have the mouse to move sideways, which is very cumbersome. Switch to windowed mode as soon as you finish the mini-game.