httpd problems

hi, I recently installed openSuSE 12.1 onto my server and cannot seem to get apache to work properly. I am a first time user to openSuSE so do not yet know all the best ways to do things. It keeps posting up this error message:

Failed to issue method call: Unit httpd.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and ‘systemctl status httpd.service’ for details.

I have tried a number of different things which i used my google-fu to find but none seem to be working?
All I am trying to do is make my server web ready to load web pages etc onto.

Also this error message come up:

httpd2: Syntax error on line 188 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/include.conf: No such file or directory

Any help would be great! I am enjoying using openSuSE and if I can get past the teething problems would be using it alot more reguarly!

*note- As I said I am trying to do this on my server so using “ssh” to do all my work so command line help on this matter would be a bonus.

Did you install Apache using the Pattern “Web and LAMP server” using yast or zypper?

Did you use yast to configure and start the server?

Thre is nothing in your post to tell us what you did. That makes it difficult for us to tell you were something could have gone wrong.


I used zypper to install apache and used yast to configure the server though a VMWare client.

This is only a little bit less vague :frowning:

I read this as that you deny to have installed the Pattern. But you can not have installed the package apache, as there is no package with that name.

You confirm that you configured using yast, but not that you started Apache2 using Yast > System > System servicees (runlevel) or did different.

Please read the posts from people who try to help you by getting more information. Answer the questions or tell why you can not (or will not) answer them. If the questions induce you to add more information spontaniously, do not hesitate to do so. Many people here (including me) have Apache2 running without the problems you have. That means that we have to find out what you did different from what we did. That is not easy, hampered as we are by distance in space and time. We are not sitting behind you and can not know anything for certain if you do not tell (or better, post the telling computer output).

Also your first post says: “It keeps posting up this error message: …”. Who is “It”? Where do you see this? When it is in a terminal, copy/paste that output, completely with the command that belongs to it and it’s prompt in the post (between CODE tags: )
Then we have somethinng to look at :wink:

> openSuSE 12.1

for the time being this pre-release/beta forum is for the discussion of
openSUSE 12.2 and 12.3 (aka factory)…

12.1 moved out of pre-release status in November of last year…


Thank you, I did not see this.

II will move to Applications. Please do not post until done.

Open for bussiness again.