HP zBook boots to black screen / boot hangs

On a fresh install of Leap 42.1 on Hp zBook, the first boot after install results in a blackish screen. Disabling the splash screen, you see that boot progresses to the point where it mounts local files systems. There are no errors, it just freezes. So this is early on in startup, first few seconds.

When using BTRFS for root file system, you would see two BTRFS lines as it probes the file systems, then hang. Using EXT3 or 4 you see different lines, but similar behavior.

Are there any suggested kernel startup options to try to work around this? Its not really clear to me where its having an issue in that whatever it was doing last seems to succeed, the errors seem trivial ones, or the usual stuff you see when its probing USB devices and so on.

This system / model was running 13.1 and 13.2 OK

– Bob

Try removing “quiet” from kernel command line, it may give more information where it stops. Also it probably does not really hang - it waits for device to appear, with default timeout being 90 seconds.

Already did, last line is

Btrfs loaded, assert=on
BTRFS: devide fsid { really long GUID } devid 1 transid 219 /dec/bdb1

is the timeout 90 minutes? because that is how long I have waited.

With nomodeset option it will proceed to a TTY login screen.

Same results with Leap and Tummbleweed.

if I remove NVIDIA driver I get a wonderful 640x460 KDE GUI, which is basically useless.

– Bob

Do you have Optimus (Intel+nVidia) by any chance?

if I remove NVIDIA driver I get a wonderful 640x460 KDE GUI, which is basically useless.

does that mean it worked with nouveau?
How did you install the nvidia driver the easy or the hard way?
does that pc have an intel cpu, almost all intel’s have a build in gpu goto bios and set the external gpu as the preferred one.
If that box is an optimus system you can’t use the regular nvidia drivers you need bumblebee