HP Laptop wont run Linux?


Im trying to run open suse11.1 on my HP Pavillion DV9000, but it wont work,

the basic install runs well but then when it comes to restart it just turns off abruptly, it doesnt turn on, the only way to get the laptop to work again is to remove the battery for a few seconds and replace, it then gets to the boot loader screen (on the hardrive) but then when it gets to running opensuse11 from the hard drive it gets to about 25% and the laptop turns of abruptly again as before. Any ideas?

Just a guess, but try putting -


at the very end of the boot line.

It might be the temperature sensors panicking and shutting it down to avoid damage.

Try looking at the acpci/powersaving settings in the bios. Also try booting suse in failsafe mode.

hi, thanks guys, it wont work in failsafe its the same problem, ill try the temp sensors and see if that does anything. Jon:)

> the laptop turns of abruptly again as before. Any ideas?

sounds like a hardware problem to me…probably overheating…when was
the last time you cleaned the dust balls out of the cooling passage?

the hp web site maintains specific instructions on how to clean the
insides…do it…

plus, i think it should sit on a hard (non-fabric) surface…



i still cant get it to work, ive tried adding that line of text to the boot line during the setup but its still doing the same thing. i dont have a running version of linux (normal or failsafe) on the laptop so i cant change anything from within the set up version if you get me, i can only get it to the prt where it reboots for the first time after the basic install.

i have cleaned out the fans etc and they are fine, the thing is the laptop runs fine when i reinstall vista after linux fails to work sooo…

still any ideas on what to do would be great as i have to say i am not a massive fan of windows and would love to swap to linux!

jonnylightning wrote:

> Im trying to run open suse11.1 on my HP Pavillion DV9000, but it wont
> work,
> the basic install runs well but then when it comes to restart it just
> turns off abruptly, it doesnt turn on, the only way to get the laptop to
> work again is to remove the battery for a few seconds and replace, it
> then gets to the boot loader screen (on the hardrive) but then when it
> gets to running opensuse11 from the hard drive it gets to about 25% and
> the laptop turns of abruptly again as before. Any ideas?

Remove the battery and start the notebook with the power adaptor plugged and
see what happens, just to discard a battery problem.

IIRC, HP is/was calling for laptop’s battery replace program (due to
overheating) but I don’t remember the exact models being affected.




ermm theres no problem with the battery or overheating because ive been running vista on it for about a year with no problems,

so im guessing it must be a setting or something that isnt right in the linux OS? ive also tried a previous version and the same thing happens with the cut out!

> ermm theres no problem with the battery or overheating because ive been
> running vista on it for about a year with no problems,

[note: even if you can’t hear the exact tone used, it is friendly and
hopefully helpful]

you constantly MISS the point that HP and MS work together to make
sure Vista runs as good as possible on HP hardware…

NO SUCH effort is underway to make sure SUSE (or any Linux) will run
at all!! in fact, MS hopes it absolutely will NOT…all of that is to
say that YES, there could easily be something in Linux which will NOT
work with your machine exactly as it does with anything from Redmond…

in fact, if you google on this string:
linux HP Pavillion DV9000
you will find lots and lots of problems!!

so, you constantly saying you know the answer to your problem can’t
be battery, can’t be heat, can’t be whatever you are told to TRY
because it runs Vista okay just frustrates and irritates the folks
trying to help you–so STOP it, or just go off and run Vista and
behappy* with it! (or, next time buy hardware make sure it is KNOWN
to run the flavor and version of Linux you wanna run!)

do not argue with potential helpers, please…especially not by
telling us over and over that Vista works great! we KNOW that it works
SO great that you are looking for something better!!


now, tell us you have followed ALL the things outlined in the twelve
post thread beginning at http://tinyurl.com/6jwtg9

pay close attention to the absolute need to make sure you have perfect
install media…that is steps 2, 3 and 6 MUST show you have perfect
media…otherwise anything might happen, including exactly what you
are experiencing…

then, tell us you have read and considered all the experiences of all
the folks who have tried loading openSUSE onto an HP Pavillion DV9000
series desktop…especially look for folks with EXACTLY your model,
loading exactly version 11.1:

see: http://en.opensuse.org/HCL/Laptops/HP#dv_9XXX_xx

then, you might wanna use google to search on YOUR specific model
(what is it?) and “openSUSE 11.1” and see if you find happiness that way…

then, when you have done all of that and read this
http://tinyurl.com/anel and come back and we begin again…

welcome to the frustration caused when one software maker has the
clout to force manufactures to work with them…


> welcome to the frustration caused when one software maker has the
> clout to force manufactures to work with them…

sorry, forgot to mention: also search for help in all the previous
posts in these forums that mentions Pavillion DV9000, see:




If all else fails, have you tried running any version of linux from a live cd. If the live cd works, linux should install. When installing, try a minimal install first to see if it runs and then add software.

jonnylightning wrote:

> ermm theres no problem with the battery or overheating because ive been
> running vista on it for about a year with no problems,

O.k. but please, take a look into HP call and check if your batteries are
affected. It will not hurt :wink: and can prevent you for any future damage:

HP Notebook PC Battery Pack Replacement Program

HP and the battery cell manufacturer believe that certain battery packs
shipped in HP notebook PC products manufactured between August 2007 and
January 2008 may pose a potential safety hazard to customers. The batteries
can overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard.

And please, note that these such problems (hardware related ones) can arise
at any moment and do not distinguish between windows or linux. They just
break all.

> so im guessing it must be a setting or something that isnt right in the
> linux OS? ive also tried a previous version and the same thing happens
> with the cut out!

The “effects” you are experiencing (system reboot) are usually related to
hardware problems, or ACPI / BIOS issue. A computer reboots (or shutdowns)
because (among others):

a) It is as hot as defined at bios → hardware problem
b) System “thinks” is as hot as defined at bios → acpi / bios problem
c) Plain hardware issue (motherboard, power supply or hard disk failure…)

Notebooks leave manufacturer’s factory with “bios preset settings” and a
very “fine-grained” configuration for the system it was designed and
installed for (let’s say, MS XP or Vista). So maybe is not prepared to
handle so well with another OS’s.

As an example, I could not install opensuse 10.3 on my HP desktop system
without passing “pci=nommconf” parameter to kernel at boot process. Of
course, no “tweak” was needed to install windows xp or vista :wink:

What I mean is that if you want to ascertain what’s happening with your
system, I guess you have to perform some tests to narrow down the problem.

Users “growbag” and “somebody_else” gave you some “hints”, just try and see
what happens.



start up you windows install go to your windows partitioner and delete all you linux partitions then in the linuxs partition place start new partition and format is FAT 32 and format.Then start your opensuse install when you get to the partition part of the install goto advanced partition then delete the fat 32 partition then add extended partition of the size you want your linux install to be you should end up with an extended FAT partition the add your swap 2.01 GB then add root / 20 GB ext3 then add /home ext3 for the rest of the size of you extended FAT partition.It is the windows ntfs hard drive format that is stopping you linux from working.
I hope this helps you I had the same problem on my acer aspire one laptop miini mine now is working perfect :wink: