I loaded 11.0 distro that I downloaded from a mirror site onto my laptop. After searching I found the correct program I was able to install it in my X-term. No problem other than I had no clue what I was doing. What I do remember is the message was :install successful. I got brave and bought a HP6000 wireless printer. I downloaded the hplip-3.9.10 and a big list of dependencies appeared. I wrote them down and downloaded them one by one. Every download greeted me with a download failure. I shut off the computer and came back to it later and when attempting to download again I got a message that the software was present!? A reboot after each download proved that the software was there and now I have a printer that works like a charm over wireless. My question is - have I got a problem with YAST that I need to fix? Everything works fine - I just didn’t know if this was normal or not. Thanks
You loaded 11.0? The latest version is l1.2, unless you made a typing error, but 11.0 is a bit old by now, unless you like using it of course
You don’t need to download the HP stuff, just use Suse’s magical YaST printing tool YaST/Modules/Printer - openSUSE