Howto log init script messages


I’d like to ask if there is a way to log the messages from the entire boot process. I know kernel log is in /var/log/boot.msg, but where I can find the messages from the init scripts?

Thak you in anticipation!

man rsyslog.conf

Yes, I found the /var/log/messages file, but it doesn’t contain the messages as they appear during the boot process.

The reason I need that log: I’m running a custom kernel, but during boot, I see messages that things are missing, like preloadtrace.ko module, and some other stuff,but can’t read and note all.

Gentoo has an option to log the init messages to a file, exact as they appear on the screen, and I wonder if I can do it with opensuse also.

Try the command ‘dmesg’. It goes a little further than boot.msg, but maybe not far enough for your needs.

Which option? Which file?

Well, I don’t have gentoo installed now, but as I remember, it is an option in /etc/rc.conf ( or /etc/conf.d/rc if U use openrc ), something like RC_LOG=no/yes.

The messages you see at boot are in /var/log/boot.msg

But, since I play with kernels off and on, I can help you out a little bit more:

  • Uninstall any kmp packages that refer to the standard installed kernel.
  • Uninstall preload. It looks for the module and won’t find it.
  • Move the file /etc/modprobe.d/generic-serial-blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/generic-serial-blacklist.conf

Hope this helps you in you quest :wink: