HOWTO: install BricsCAD 13 in openSUSE 13.1 64 bits

||(note: I posted this HOWTO in BricsCAD linux forum a few days ago. I use BricsCAD as an affordable AutoCAD replacement for Linux, some info here:

I finally found some time to install oS 13.1 x86_64 on a Netbook with ATI graphics and SSD drive.

Getting BricsCAD Pro 13.2.16 to install was easier than I thought when reading the OpenSUSE KB here: , I just had to remember that BricsCAD require the -32bit compatibility versions of the 64-bit libs. So, what I did was:

  1. Install BricsCAD RPM from Yast, that will pull in a couple dozen -32 libs. This can be done with zipper too, for those used to it (I’m not).

  2. Download (or do the 1-click install) from OpenSUSE software site the two following libs, easily found with the download site software search - remember to change the options to include development packages:

libgnutls26-32bit-2.8.6-5.27.1.x86_64.rpm - search for libgnutls26-32 and download (or 1-click install) the 64-bit package from Ximi1970’s OpenSUSE 12.2 repo
libtasn1-3-32bit-2.12-2.2.2.x86_64.rpm - again, search for libtasn1-3-32 and download (or 1-click install) the 64-bit package from the official OpenSUSE 12.2 repo

I used the 12.2 repos since there’s no 13.1 packages yet, and probably there won’t be. I didn’t try the factory packages but the’d probably work too.

Of course, you could just download the three packages (BricsCAD and the two libs), put them in a folder and set it as a RPM repo in Yast, then install everything in one pass.

Then I started BricsCAD, entered the Pro key and tested by opening, editing and saving a 2D work drawing as a new file, without problems.

In the next weeks I’ll post in case of problems. If I don’t is because there were no relevant issues.

I hope the above may help.

Why not start a project in the buildservice, branch the package and build it for 13.1? Or get in touch with Ximi1970 and ask him/her to switch on the build for 13.1

Note: the same procedure works for OpenSUSE 12.3 x86_64 with NVidia graphics.

@Knurpht: Good idea, I’ll see if I can communicate with the packager.