Howto create a ramdisk?

I would like to create a ramdisk to run my SecondLife cache. Following instructions I found online I edited my Grub menu:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ramdisk_size=102400 quiet

Then I did:

mkdir /mnt/ram
mke2fs -m 0 /dev/ram0

And got:

mke2fs 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
Could not stat /dev/ram0 — No such file or directory

The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?

I searched all over the web and could not find instructions for setting up a ramdisk in openSuse. I also searched the forums; nothing.

How do you set up a ramdisk in openSuse?

Wow, nothing is working. I’ve spent all day pouring through instructions, none of which work. mke2fs does this:

/dev/ram0 is not a block special device.

Ok, found this:

mount -t tmpfs none /mnt/ram -o size=102400

I don’t know if I just created a ramdisk or not. It doesn’t show up in fdisk. It does show up in mount. I can add files to ti, but for all I know it’s just a directory. How do I know if /mnt/ram is actually a ramdisk?

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Check and see how much space you have free everywhere:

df -h

Now copy some files there. Still have the same space on your physical
drive, less on ramdisk? Probably a ramdisk.

Good luck.

mooreted wrote:
| Ok, found this:
| mount -t tmpfs none /mnt/ram -o size=102400
| I don’t know if I just created a ramdisk or not. It doesn’t show up in
| fdisk. It does show up in mount. I can add files to ti, but for all I
| know it’s just a directory. How do I know if /mnt/ram is actually a
| ramdisk?
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It is working! Yay!

Boy, all the complex configurations I was trying and a simple mount -t tmpfs none /mnt/ram -o size=1024m worked!


Thanks for the tip.

I have also been looking for a procedure how to set up a ramdisk in openSUSE. Your idea is very nice, but I am not sure what you get is a ramdisk exactly.
It looks like there is a slight difference between a ramdisk and a tpmfs.

Anyway, do anyone have an idea how to make a ramdisk in openSUSE? I myself need a ramdisk set up by grub.