I’ve spent the past 2 hours with my wife, debugging a wireless and blue screen of death problem on winXP. I’m pathetic with winXP. She was having a problem on her old Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M7400 laptop that her WinXP wireless driver was not running as good as the openSUSE-10.3 Linux wireless driver (Intel 2100 wireless, where Intel custom made the driver for Linux) on said laptop, so she decided to install a newer winXP wireless driver from the Fujitsu-Siemens web site.
A proud windows user can’t have Linux performing better.
The problem is, she mistakenly grabbed on older winXP driver by mistake (she did not realize this at first). After installing, winXP insisted on a reboot, and the end result was a blue screen of death every time she booted to winXP. I took a pix of the blue screen with my digital camera so we could look up the errors. openSUSE-10.3 Linux still booted ok. I recalled one could boot WinXP in a safe mode (by pressing F8) so I had her try that. She booted the safe configuration, and part way thru the safe boot the PC froze again. So I took a pix of the last driver being loaded in the safe mode, so we could look up the errors.
I also had her take me to the web site and point out the driver she downloaded. At that point, she realized it was the wrong driver version. …
I then looked up the winXP errors on the web. Most winXP users simply re-installed at this point, after tearing their hair out for a few hours (or days in some cases).
The conclusion we had was the wireless driver she installed had a problem with her current WinXP version.
We ended up disabling wireless in BIOS and rebooting winXP to her last known good configuration (which is another option when one presses F8 on winXP). That got rid of the bad driver. … She could boot again. … Re-install not necessary (yet).
But she still has her wireless problem in winXP.
This is 2 hours later. … any plans I had for this evening have gone out the window. My wife is now trying the new winXP laptop driver she should have installed the first time. … I won’t hold my breath.
In openSUSE-10.3 Linux, the Intel 2100 wireless “just worked” … It still “just works”. …
I have a strong dislike for Windows. >:( >:( This just re-inforces it.
Unfortunately this laptop is too old to run WinXP as a virtual session.