I even couldnt launch skype. neither could I install skype.
is it possible to launch onenote with wine?
Thanks a lot!
You can download skype from http://www.skype.com.
Check the WineHQ for Onenote test results: WineHQ - OneNote.
Good luck.
I learned a lot.
the relative links were updated to
Office 2007 on Linux with Wine install guide | Wine Reviews
Quick Tweaks » Quick Tweaks For Your System
You actually don’t need any extras to install office 2007 it works with the latest wine
How to do that?
I installed wine only a couple of days ago, which still couldnt launch qq, a much simpler software than onenote.
I followed the procedures in your website, use winecfg to launch the configuration panel, add some programs like msn, snipping tool and onenote there, click apply, then ok. but I still couldnt start these programs.
I thought after adding these programs, there should appear some links pointing to them. However in fact, I didn’t see any such links. The available windows programs are still limited to regedit & notpad.
And when I run winecfg again, I found those programs which I tried to add before were not added into it at all. Maybe programs should be added in a different way?
Ok seems i need to update my page.
All windows apps are in ~.wine which is a hidden folder in your /home
The path is ~.wine/drive_c/Program Files
You can substitute ~ with /home/yourUserName/
You will find onenote in /Microsoft Office/Office12
Follow my guide to creating shortcuts
For onenote the link is wine “c:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONENOTE.EXE” the smily has replaced *colon*
You can test it by putting it in a run command (Alt+F2)
On a side note i recommend amsn really good msn clone which runs natively in Linux. You can get it with yast if you have the packman repo
the onenote is installed in windows, but I cannot see it in
.wine/drive_c/Program Files
and, adding programs through winecfg panel seems not work.
I add it, but it disappears next time I open winecfg.
You don’t add them with the panel just click on the installer (.exe) the same way as with windows. I described how on my page
Geoff’s Linux tips - wine