I was wondering if somebody could help me with this issue. Namely, I had Xubuntu and Linux Mint on sda1 and sda6, respectively, and then installed OpenSuse Gnome 42.1 on sda1. I didn’t touch sda6, hoping I could actually use it to dual boot OpenSuse and Linux Mint. Things went wrong, Linux Mint didn’t show up on the grub start screen, but I don’t mind loosing it. Opensuse works perfectly, but I was wondering how can I use sda6 again? I mean, I can’t resize it, I can’t unmount it… What I want to do is assaign dev6 to Opensuse so it can use the available space. I would send some print screens, but I can’t find a way to upload them from my hard disk.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming that, you’ve taken a look at the Startup Guide <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/index.html> and also taken a look at openSUSE administration with the tool “YaST”, use the YaST Partitioner to mount the sda6 Partition <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/reference/html/book.opensuse.reference/cha.advdisk.html>. [There are some warnings which the tool raises – they’re there to attempt to protect the system against inadvertent use of the tool.]
[HR][/HR]Dual-Boot is handled by the YaST Boot Loader (GRUB2) settings: <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/reference/html/book.opensuse.reference/cha.grub2.html#sec.grub2.yast2.config>.
Hopefully, during the Leap 42.1 installation, the partitioning set-up didn’t do anything unwanted to the existing partitioning: <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/cha.inst.html#sec.i.yast2.inst_mode.partitioning>.
Can’t unmount it? You mean, it is mounted? And you can’t use it?
We do need more specific information to be able to help you.
First, give the output of:
mount | grep '^/dev/'
This will tell us what you have mounted and where.
Copy it (the command and output) into your reply between code tags (To get the code tags, use the icons on the top of the message window editor, 2nd row, near the right, click on the “#” sign).
I presume you know how to copy from the console, but for any newbies reading this, you simply select the text and use Ctrl-Shift-C, then paste between the code tags in your reply message window with Ctrl-V.
Also, give us the output of:
gdisk -l /dev/sda
… and the screenshots you are talking about, you can use SUSE Paste http://paste.opensuse.org/ to upload your images. Upload them there, then post the link to the images in your message.