How to use Strigi

I have enabled Strigi Desktop Search in the system settings and it’s been churning away on my hd, I guess building it’s database. Could someone tell me how I go about entering a search query?

I’m not sure. Last time I tried it, there was a “strigi-client” that could be downloaded and run. I think there was also one that could search from the panel. And I definitely remember using Konqueror to search by entering “strigi:/search_term”, although that doesn’t seem to work anymore.

I am intrigued, too, by strigi, but my advice is to use Beagle for that functionality until it is fleshed out by the developers (or, I mean integrated into KDE completely, since the daemon seems to work fine by itself right now).

Thanks for the input. I tried the command you mentioned and it didn’t seem to work. It seems like this application needs some more work.

Working with Linux!: Nepomuk + Strigi → Resolving the mystery

Open Dolphin, enter a search string that you know is in a document, but not in it’s name. Works here.

There’s also a convenient KRunner(Alt + F2)-plugin for searching files via strigi.

The link to “solving” strigi is a year old. Months ago, the first thing everyone did with a new install, or update, was to turn off strigi and nepomuk.

Have the problems with these two finally been resolved? Can you run them and not notice them?