how to use gmail smtp relay???

I would like to send emails form my server using my gmail account
Does anybody know how to do it?

OS = OPENSUSE 11.3 server installation - NO GUI…


I do.

Oops sorry I suppose you want details. :slight_smile:

I have detailed it before in this thread:

Postfix - TLS Engine unavailable

I’m going through de document, I have a quick question
the las entry you said you remove postfix from yast and re-install the last version.
Is that it? Is that all what I have to do in order to use gmail as smtp relay?
I’m not an “email guy”, so I’m looking for an step by step process.


On 2010-10-28 17:06, qsummon wrote:
> I would like to send emails form my server using my gmail account
> Does anybody know how to do it?
> OS = OPENSUSE 11.3 server installation - NO GUI…

You need to specify what emails, and what software. If it is postfix, then use ken yap guide.

If you need to send email with “from” address, then that’s that. Port 465,
ssl/tls. If it is another address that you want to relay via gmail, then you have to register that
address first with them (there is a link in gmail configuration page).

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

What last entry? AFAICT the questioner said that he configured postfix with YaST as he was supposed to, instead of editing directly. There is no problem using the standard version distributed in openSUSE. There are various tutes on relaying email to gmail with postfix, do a search.

If this is just for yourself rather than for the whole machine, perhaps you should just configure Thunderbird or whatever mail program you are using to relay to gmail, that’s much simpler. Again lots of tutes on this on the Net.

Thanks… My goal is configure smtp relay from gmail in order to run scripts to send email from cmd line.
My server is configured with NO GUI on it.
I was reading all the docs in internet and I’m confuse with all the certification, and general configuration.
Thanks again

You can send mail from the CLI without configuring postfix if you configure the CLI mailx to relay to gmail. That’s has also been discussed in the forum, do a search.

Also your rack provider (if it’s a racked server) should have a relayhost available.

I was trough the configuration using yast
I’m seeing this log every time I try to send an email
(connect to[]:25: No route to host)

Sorry, I’m really not an email person

The receiving port is 587, not 25. And it requires TLS because SMTP to gmail uses encryption as well as authentication, hence all the config needed.

What is it you want to do? You never quite explained that. If you just want to make sure that your server generated emails go to you, just use the ISP’s relayhost. If you want to send email to your account at gmail, you don’t need to relay to gmail to do that. Your ISP should have a clean relayhost that isn’t blacnlisted as a consumer broadband IP address and therefore prone to be running a virus ridden OS.

I want to be able to send emails from my server using my gmail account. I have no GUI installed
Is that enough explanation? or you need something more specific?

What are those messages, personal email or server notifications? If server notifications there is no reason why they have to go through gmail. You can relay to your ISP and avoid having to set up TLS with gmail. If you want the email to appear to come from your gmail account you can set the From: line in the body to anything you like.

How do I set the TLS with gmail?
Is that hard to do? How all this certificates works with gmail?

Yes, you’ll have to set up TLS in postfix and all that to be able to use gmail, there’s no getting around it. Besides that thread I pointed you to, there are various tutorials on the net, but they all basically make the same changes.

On 2010-11-01 06:06, qsummon wrote:
> I want to be able to send emails from my server using my gmail account.
> I have no GUI installed
> Is that enough explanation? or you need something more specific?

It depends on what program you want to use to send emails.

There are two routes: setting up postfix, wich is doable but not simple,
or setting up a client like mutt, pine or mailx (no different from doing
it with kmail, evince or thunderbird, but in text mode). All that
software have manuals and wikis on internet. You should have a look on
their respective sites.

I know how to do it but I don’t have a written document with all the
steps. It is a know how…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Mutt for me will be more than enough
THANKS I will try and let you now

thanks again!