I installed an application from DVD using the standard method of installation of install/setup.exe (as opposed to using YaST), but now I want to remove it. Anyone know the most efficient way of uninstalling all files associated with the installation?
I simply went to the directories where application is installed and typed rm -R * to remove recursively all directories below current level of directory. Maybe there is a better way using an appropriate un-install program within YaST?
I’m assuming that this is a windows application installed using wine as you said it was a .exe
In that case you can delete the program folder in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files
.wine is hidden in your /home
geoffro wrote:
> I’m assuming that this is a windows application installed using wine as
> you said it was a .exe
> In that case you can delete the program folder in
> ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files
> .wine is hidden in your /home