System was installed with xfce.
How i can uninstall all GUI packages ? ( back system to the text-mode ).
At updates many not necessary packages are updated.
Which are intended for work with GUI and which I don’t use


At install time, it’s quite easy:openSUSE Documentation

Scroll almost halfway down to Desktop Selection (should be section 1.9):

If you prefer a different desktop, choose Other for more options. The XFCE Desktop and the LXDE Desktop are fast and lightweight desktop environments suitable for modest hardware. With Minimal X Window, install a graphical window manager that allows for running stand-alone X applications and console windows but does not provide the usual integrated desktop functionality. In Minimal Server Selection (Text Mode), only console terminals are available.

There is an old (2009) entry in this Forum {“Remove GUI”} which has an amusing comment with respect to the issue of noticing the “Other” option when choosing Desktops or even no Desktop at all . . . :slight_smile:

With a running system it’s not so easy:
[li]In YaST (running under some sort of GUI), open the “Software Manager” and choose “Schemes”;[/li][LIST]
[li]In the “Graphical Environment” section select to remove everything which is not related to your currently running GUI. [/li][/ul]

[li]You may notice that things such as Office application will also be removed due to dependencies. [/li][li]Additionally use the “Packet Groups” choice to further refine what is to be deleted. [/li][li]Let the Software Manager uninstall all the not-needed packages. [/li][li]Also in “Packet Groups” there are two sections which could be inspected:[/li][ul]
[li]Orphan Packages; [/li][li]Not Needed Packages. [/li][/ul]

[li]Leave YaST and from a root CLI: [/li][/LIST]

# systemctl | grep -i display
# systemctl disable xdm.service

[If my memory serves me well for 13.1 – in 13.2 it’s the ‘display-manager.service’]
Next: Reboot.
From a tty and with root, use the CLI (curses) version of YaST:

# yast2

With keyboard arrows and tabulator (assuming that the console mouse is not enabled) use the Software Manager to remove the last remaining GUI.
Have fun! :slight_smile:

Thank you.
It work.


Just curious if anyone has the answer,

Took a look around in LEAP and found that the “minimal server” pattern doesn’t seem to exist (and also seems to no longer exist in TW as well).

Located the mailing list thread in archives that described how the pattern might have become more a detriment than a benefit.

Having run into this in the past, might the pattern re-appear at some time or is it gone for good (mixed feelings)?