How to turn on wireles ?

Hi, im new in linux :slight_smile:
I had just installed openSuse 11.0 version on my laptop HP dv.6000, wireless broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN, but i have problem i dont know how to turn on wireless…:’( it would be nice if someone could write step by step how to make it working :slight_smile:

start Networkmanager (in KDE KNetworkanager)
after it starts, in the taskbar should be an icon, which looks like earth.
right click–>new connection → the interface (mine are eth0 (LAN) and ra0 (WLAN)) → go to the wireless lan interface → select the network → key → connect and save

if there is no wireless lan interface, it could be, that there is no driver installed

damm, nothing… :frowning: this is the reason why i dont use linux all the time…then i need internet i must turn windows on, becouse my wireless dont work…i cant find drivers…

which Network card do you have?

yes, i done :slight_smile: later i will write everything how i done this :wink: that others would be easy to make they wireless work

this is the adress where i find answer of my problem :wink:
Click here

I’d like someone to explain how to get NetworkManager working >:(

I have installs of opensuse from 11.0 all the way up to 11.2 Alpha0 and they all seem to have a problem with NetworkManager. I have to run ifup to get connected. That works, so I know it isn’t a driver issue. I’m trying to get a school to try out opensuse on dozens of laptops. Without this working, it is a show stopper.

I’m hoping it will be fixed in tomorrow’s release.

i have new wireless problem with openSUSE 11.1 version, i install broadcom wireless driver, it works, but then i put my wep key, for example 0123456789, from may key it ganerate new one, and i cant connect to my station. So maybe anyone know how to make that it dont generate new key from my key :confused:

Tadziz wrote:
> i have new wireless problem with openSUSE 11.1 version, i install
> broadcom wireless driver, it works, but then i put my wep key, for
> example 0123456789, from may key it ganerate new one, and i cant connect
> to my station. So maybe anyone know how to make that it dont generate
> new key from my key :confused:

Select HEX, not passphrase.

Keep in mind there are thousands of different types of computer builds out there working perfectly fine with network manager. Wired connection should be seamless and require no user input with network manager. Wireless connections, on the other hand, can be irritating depending on how complicated the setup is.

If network manager is not working for your wired connection, I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s a configuration issue… maybe an old config file messing things up? Have you tried booting a live cd? While on that topic, if you’re thinking of switching the school’s computers, you should test a live cd first. If something on the live cd doesn’t work, getting it to work on a full install will probably be a hassle.

Quite sure there are also thousands that do have problems with it judging from the amount of posts about it and my own personal experience… where I keep running into this problem.

The buggy as hell KDE4 network manager that was in 11.1beta5 looked promising as it did detect all the networks all the time (as the KDE3 one doesn’t even list half of them 90% of the time… even though they can be found by iwlist -scan) forcing me to use ifup.

Problem with the KDE4 one was rather big in 11.1 beta5 though… it forgot the password the moment you entered it… so if you use any kind of password it was useless :P. But if you’re interested in it you might wanna try getting it from the factory repository.
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1/x86_64 ? Not sure about the link.