Currently I have SFTP passwords for LAN stored in my wallet. Dolphin uses that data. For some it decided to store them in the general wallet and not in the local one.
I want to:
have LAN/local passwords in the local wallet
have other passwords (e.g. the ones for chromium) in the non-local wallet
As far as I understand this means that it is possible to store LAN and WAN credentials separately, e.g. I would prefer chrome/chromium not to be able to read my LAN passwords. But I have no idea how to make Dolphin to use the local wallet.
When I’m at home, the WiFi key seems local. When I’m travelling, it seems foreign.
Passwords that I use for web sites seem foreign.
If I login to a remote computer, the login password seems foreign. But if I create my own public/private key pair, that seems local, even though I can then set it up to use public key crypto to login to remote sites.
If there were a nice little table that said:
konqueror counts as foreign
wifi counts as local
ssh public keys count as local
chromium counts as foreign
then it would be easier. I could just consult the table when uncertain.
So I take the easy way out. I use only the one consolidated wallet, and then I know where the passwords are.
I perfectly understand your point. I am not concerned about separating things as a terminology (local and non-local) but I would rather not like the browser to know every SSH password on the LAN (or WAN). After all a browser is one of the most used apps nowadays and it is connected to the Internet. It is not that I do or do not trust a particular software but bugs can happen at any time and an extra layer of security is never too much.
I have been thinking: if the use of separate wallets is not possible and this functionality is just theoretical in KWallet, perhaps another option would be to create additional user used just for running the browser. But perhaps that would be a rather ugly workaround.
I setup two wallets, “kdewallet” and “locwallet”. I configured the default to be “kdewallet” and I configured the local wallet to be “locwallet”.
Then I tried using “ksshaskpass” and “qupzilla-qt” (configured to use kwallet).
Both asked for the default wallet.
Then I switched around which of those wallets was configured as default and which was configured as local. Again, both asked for the wallet that was configured as default wallet at the time the application was started.
So it is looking as if which wallet to request is built into the application (hard-wired, so to speak). I have not yet found an application that requests the local wallet.
Incidentally, at present “konqueror” used the “kwallet4” wallet, while “ksshaskpass” uses the “kwallet5” version wallet. So, at present they are using different wallets. But both may have the same content, since “kwallet5” was initialized by migrating “kwallet4”.