I recently reinstalled OpenSuse 11.0 (long story, which I posted in another thread), and thought that it would be time to change from kde3 to kde4, so I chose the latter in the installation options.
I’m rather disappointed in kde4. For example, it’s not possible to auto-hide the task bar nor switch desktops with the mouse wheel (on the desktop background). Also alt-tab sometimes fails to work, which is really annoying.
Given that the latest kde4 version doesn’t seem to be available for OpenSuse 11.0, I want to switch back to kde3. But how to install and configure my system to use it? It’s not at all clear from the software manager what should be installed.
This has been told here many times, but I admit most wanted to add KDE4 having KDE3 (or GNOME)
YaST > Software > Software Management. Left upper choose Patterns, then down there you will find somewhere desktops and within that KDe3. Check and install.
Do not use automatic login and in your login screen (lower left) you find the posbilityy to choose which you want to run today.
Hi. I did not know that you can switch desktops with the mouse wheel. Thanks for that tip!
As hcvv said, most of your questions will be answered when you search the forums or the wiki.
I guess you did not delete your KDE 3.5. Therefore it still exists and you just have to logout and select KDE 3.5 on the login screen.
There is a confusing number of software repositories on download.opensuse.org/repositories. It’s not much fun to search each repository by hand so there are nice search tools on software.opensuse.org and packages.opensuse-community.org. The KDE 4.2 packages you are looking for are here: Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:. Just add the desktop repo and if you wish the extra-apps and then update to KDE 4.2. You can use Yast for that purpose or get familiar with that great commandline tool called zypper. If you don’t want a stable KDE 4.2 but a snapshot of SVN you should press the “parent directory” button and navigate to UNSTABLE. Good luck!
Sorry! Somehow I didn’t read well the beginning of your post. So I assumed you installed with KDE 3.5 an later installed KDE 4… I think I need some rest. Good night!