How to stop the .xsession-errors file from being produced

Every so often I get this huge file called “.xsessions-errors”. I would like to stop that file from being produced. Which file under X11 do I edit, or comment out?


The question should be why is it getting so large? What size are we talking about, a few MiB or GiB? If it’s getting extremely large, something isn’t right in your X window session, and you should try to correct that, not hide it.

I noticed it only occurs when I use certain programs. Hundreds of MB’s in size. Once it was 1.5GB. I was playing around with a new program. SInce I know a program causes it, I would like to disable it.


What programs are these? Open a terminal and enter

cat ~/.xsession-errors | tail -n 60

Post the output here, wrapped in CODE tags. What DE are you using, and what version of openSUSE?

Version 12.3/x86, KDE 4.10.5 release 1, kernel 3.7.10-1.16

After playing around with Kvpnc last night I had a file of 220MB in size. It was not there before that. I was doing nothing else at the time.

douglas@linux-umxw:~> cat ~/.xsession-errors | tail -n 60
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression “(function $model() { return sessions.model })” depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
ERROR calling error reporting service
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/Button.qml:194:5: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/Button.qml:194:5: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/Button.qml:194:5: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/Button.qml:194:5: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/extras/ScrollArea.qml:96: TypeError: Result of expression ‘verticalScrollBar’ [null] is not an object.
file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/extras/ScrollArea.qml:120: TypeError: Result of expression ‘horizontalScrollBar’ [null] is not an object.
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
NOTE: child process received `Goodbye’, closing down
ERROR calling error reporting service
QDBusConnection for control created “/Mixers/PulseAudio__Playback_Streams_1/stream_18”
QDBusConnection for control created “/Mixers/PulseAudio__Playback_Streams_1/stream_18”
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
ERROR calling error reporting service
QDBusConnection for control created “/Mixers/PulseAudio__Playback_Streams_1/stream_19”
QDBusConnection for control created “/Mixers/PulseAudio__Playback_Streams_1/stream_19”
plasma-desktop(1287)/plasma StatusNotifierItemSource::refreshCallback: DBusMenu disabled for this application

What VPN client are you using? I suspect that’s what’s calling the error reporting service.

I “attempted” to get kvpnc to work…but failed. LOL. I need a tutorial on that. I do have a proxy that works perfectly, but it would be nice to get the VPN to work also.

Why don’t you start a thread in the Network/Internet forum? Give as much detail as you can as to what you want to do and people should be able to get you started there. I haven’t used VPN in years, so I wouldn’t be the one to help on that.

I just ran a PIC Programmer using wine, after 2 hours I burned up 70GB on that **** .xsession-errors file.

I need to stop that file from forming. Someone has to know how to stop it.

Well really it is there for a reason to collect errors it is best to fix what is causing the errors, But here is a hack that may do it

delete the .xsession-errors file

make a link named .xsession-errors to /dev/nul like this

ln /dev/nul .xsession-errors

now anything sent to .xsession-errors file will go to nul device which means nowhere

gogalthorp wrote:

> Well really it is there for a reason to collect errors it is best to fix
> what is causing the errors, But here is a hack that may do it
> delete the .xsession-errors file
> make a link named .xsession-errors to /dev/nul like this
> ln /dev/nul .xsession-errors

Better make that

ln -s /dev/null .xsession-errors

> now anything sent to .xsession-errors file will go to nul device which
> means nowhere

And you might want to report your experience to the the WINE folks; maybe
they can help reduce the log output.

On 2013-08-04 11:35, George Baltz wrote:
> gogalthorp wrote:

> Better make that

ln -s /dev/null .xsession-errors

perhaps a cronjob that rotates the file.

> And you might want to report your experience to the the WINE folks; maybe
> they can help reduce the log output.

That the log is so excessive with repeated entries would itself be a bug.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

It’s a “bug” they’re well aware of but won’t fix. I once requested that they allow users to set a max file size for the log, but this was refused. It has been known to get so large that users have run out of space. Once happened to me. At least it got me paying attention to it.