How to stop SuSE server from timing out?

Today my (apache) server timed out.
When I got back home and moved my mouse it went back up again…

How can I configure openSuSE or Apache to stop it from timing out?

Thank you for your trouble!

Maybe your computer went into suspend? Disable suspend maybe? Servers shouldn’t be allowed to go into suspend.

How do I do that? I’ve looked all over for that future…
Thank you for your response!

I don’t know. The desktops I use don’t have suspend enabled and the laptop I use isn’t a server. Maybe someone else can tell you.

On Thu April 9 2009 11:46 am, LastServer wrote:

> ken_yap;1970670 Wrote:
>> Maybe your computer went into suspend? Disable suspend maybe? Servers
>> shouldn’t be allowed to go into suspend.
> How do I do that? I’ve looked all over for that future…
> Thank you for your response!
Look in YAST->System->Power Options. Not sure if it’s there in 11.1 but was
in earlier versions.

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

Today my (apache) server timed out.

What do you mean by this? Your browser timed out when trying to reach a website served by your apache server? Did you connect from the same computer where apache runs on? Or from the outside?

In the latter case I suspect that your DSL connection was down because the modem reconnected.

Also, think about this too:
If you are running a server, run it in run level 3 only. You don’t want all those overhead of graphical mode.