how to start google hangouts automatically at boot in Gnome?

I’d like to start hangouts at every boot.
I can’t manage to automatically start chrome with a minimized window (which could be an acceptable compromise), please see also this post:
I can see the hangouts application (installed the chrome app) in my application list but if I add it in the startup applications (with gnome-tweak-tool) it doesn’t automatically start.
Is it a bug or poor google implementation or poor me?

Thanks for suggestions

On 06-01-2016 00:16, horizonbrave wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d like to start hangouts at every boot.
> I can’t manage to automatically start chrome with a minimized window
> (which could be an acceptable compromise), please see also this post:
> I can see the hangouts application (installed the chrome app) in my
> application list but if I add it in the startup applications (with
> gnome-tweak-tool) it doesn’t automatically start.
> Is it a bug or poor google implementation or poor me?
> Thanks for suggestions
Can’t give much of a help, but I curious… can you use your camera and
audio in a google hangout ?

Yep no problems at all on a couple of laptops I’ve got… I guess if I’ve been lucky or what.

On 06-01-2016 13:56, horizonbrave wrote:
> mesnitu;2747019 Wrote:
>> Can’t give much of a help, but I curious… can you use your camera and
>> audio in a google hangout ?
> Yep no problems at all on a couple of laptops I’ve got… I guess if I’ve
> been lucky or what.
Yep, no luck for this bands :slight_smile:
I don’t use gnome but would this help:

There has to be some sort of a place with a GUI, were you can define
witch programs or scripts you want at start up.

On 06-01-2016 00:16, horizonbrave wrote:
> installed the chrome app) in my
> application list but if I add it in the startup applications

Ups…I misread your thread.

Google Hangouts is a Chrome browser extension.
Therefor, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to invoke Hangouts without invoking the Chrome browser.

That said, once you enable the Hangouts browser extension, Hangouts is initiated automatically when the browser starts (AFAIK you don’t have any choice on this).

Take the above all together and it should become obvious…

  • Once your Hangouts browser extension is enabled, you only need to start the browser
  • Web browser requirements include networking, so you can’t open Chrome before networking already is running
  • Google Hangouts requires Google authentication, so you need Chrome to automatically login to Google with a valid Google account when it starts.

Get all your ducks in a row and this shouldn’t be too difficult. You may not actually want to, or be able to invoke Hangouts on system boot, but more likely long after a User logs in (User settings like browser security is usually related to the logged in User and not the system).


Thanks TSU,
the only missing piece of the puzzle is how to make chrome start at login minimized.
Please look at here: Manage the startup applications | The GNOME Shell
There was a nice edit button in 2011 :slight_smile: I’m a Gnome lover but I can feel now all of those complaining voices from other ex Gnome lovers about the removal of basic features :slight_smile:
It’s actually my parents computer… they’re not computer savvy at all, so a lot of compromises here :wink:

On 06-01-2016 00:16, horizonbrave wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d like to start hangouts at every boot.
> I can’t manage to automatically start chrome with a minimized window
> (which could be an acceptable compromise), please see also this post:
> I can see the hangouts application (installed the chrome app) in my
> application list but if I add it in the startup applications (with
> gnome-tweak-tool) it doesn’t automatically start.
> Is it a bug or poor google implementation or poor me?
> Thanks for suggestions
Can’t give much of a help, but I curious… can you use your camera and
audio in a google hangout ?

On 06-01-2016 13:56, horizonbrave wrote:
> mesnitu;2747019 Wrote:
>> Can’t give much of a help, but I curious… can you use your camera and
>> audio in a google hangout ?
> Yep no problems at all on a couple of laptops I’ve got… I guess if I’ve
> been lucky or what.
Yep, no luck for this bands :slight_smile:
I don’t use gnome but would this help:

There has to be some sort of a place with a GUI, were you can define
witch programs or scripts you want at start up.

On 06-01-2016 00:16, horizonbrave wrote:
> installed the chrome app) in my
> application list but if I add it in the startup applications

Ups…I misread your thread.