how to start any appl. from terminal


ok the question is.

I have an application in my ie. “Desktop/Eclipse” folder and i want to run the application from terminal by typing in it ie. “eclipse” and it runs eclipse application from any folder or place.

ie. in windows you setup the “PATH” in config file on startup…

I know that it can be done in linux/unix but i dont remember where is located that file ? thx. for advices…

Export can be called the equivalent of set in Windows.

To adjust the path used for your terminal console, it’s easiest to add the path using your .bashrc in your home folder.

As example put this in the .bashrc to have /sbin included:

#addning sbin to path

export PATH=$PATH:/sbin


ps. when running a command in the console that you want to run but also get your prompt back, add the ‘&’ after the command to background it.
(e.g. eclipse & )

freeangel007 wrote:
> hi,
> ok the question is.
> I have an application in my ie. “Desktop/Eclipse” folder and i want to
> run the application from terminal by typing in it ie. “eclipse” and it
> runs eclipse application from any folder or place.
> ie. in windows you setup the “PATH” in config file on startup…
> I know that it can be done in linux/unix but i dont remember where is
> located that file ? thx. for advices…

i suppose this is a seldom or ONE TIME need (otherwise you would be
asking how to make a ‘shortcut’ or icon for your desktop, right?

so i answer…to start an application named ‘seldomUsed’ which is an
executable inside a folder named Eclipse on your Desktop, and your user
name is ‘your’ you simple have to type this in the terminal


/home/your/Desktop/Eclipse/seldomUsed [and press enter]


the terminal will stay open for the life of the application and MAY show
errors, if there are any…

NOTE1: unlike some other operating systems, Linux is case
sensitive…that means that all of these are DIFFERENT places:
/home/your /home/Your /home/yOur /home/yoUr /home/youR etc

NOTE2: there are MANY other ways to accomplish launching an application
from a command line…just one other might be to, cd to the folder, by
typing this:


cd /home/your/Desktop/Eclipse/ [and press enter]


and then launching by typing


…/seldomUsed [and press enter]


another way would be to put a LINK to seldomUsed into a directory which
IS in the path…then wherever you open a terminal you can simply type
seldomUsed and hit enter…

good luck, have fun and welcome to openFreedom…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark