Hello community,
I need to get a reasonable TTS voice(s) working out of speach-dispatcher (SD). The SD works with a lot of synthetizers.
Itried espeak-ng, which was a default one in OpenSUSE, but it has poor quality voices and when searching online I didn’t find any information on improving it.
I was then pleased with online samples of Festival, so i set on testing it. However, after installation I found that the default voices are poor. Searching, I learned that there are few types of voices, like:
- Festvox diphone (default, poor quality)
- CMU Arctic
- Nitech HTS
After doing some more research, I opted for the japaneese Nitech HTS voices (which seem to be the best quality and least demanding), downloaded them and installed. I then modified festival.scm to use ALSA and US BDL HTS-type voice:
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command \"aplay -q -c 1 -t raw -f s16 -r $SR $FILE\")
(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)
(set! voice_default 'voice_nitech_us_bdl_arctic_hts)
But it didn’t work and festival crashed on startup, everytime I tried to use the HTS voice.
To cut story short, after a lot of research, I found that Festival’s (2.5) compatibility with HTS voices is broken. And seemingly, this happens over and over again and they say Festival does that on purpose to push their offer for commercial voices.
Next, I found patched voices that work with Festival 2.4 and patches for Festival itself. There I spent another amount of time, so far without results, because I’m not a Linux developer (thankfully at last .NET) and I’m not accustomed to patch and build Linux programs at all. Though, I remember the old SuSE days about 20 years ago, where we had to build a lot of programs with ./configure, make, make install. But running into difficulties with the patches being for another distro, I’m not sure how to apply them.
So, I would like to ask: Is there any proven way to get quality TTS voices on OpenSUSE Leap? What should I do?