How to setup ZTE AC 2737 in opensuse 12.3(XFCE)

Hi guys,

                 I am using OpenSUSE 12.3 with xfce DE and gnome network manager.I want to use ZTE AC 2737 data card to connect to internet.I am able to add a connection in "Mobile Broadband" but unable to activate it.It shows Mobile Broadband "not enabled".Also tried to activate through nmcli con up uuid but failed to do so.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

You’ve given us little to go on.

  1. What does ‘nm-tool’ show about your device?
  2. When you try to activate the device, note what is reported in /var/log/NetworkManager. That may help with the diagnosis.

Sorry for the delayed reply.

Output of nm-tool

RDP@Linux:~/Desktop> nm-tool

NetworkManager Tool

State: connected (global)

  • Device: ttyUSB0 --------------------------------------------------------------
    Type: Mobile Broadband (CDMA)
    Driver: option1
    State: disconnected
    Default: no


  • Device: eth0 [Wired connection 1] -------------------------------------------
    Type: Wired
    Driver: e1000e
    State: connected
    Default: yes
    HW Address: 00:22:4D:A4:15:63

    Carrier Detect: yes
    Speed: 100 Mb/s

    Wired Properties
    Carrier: on

    IPv4 Settings:
    Prefix: 24 (


Here is the output of my NetworkManager
NetworkManager download - 2shared

A better way to share lengthy output is to use
SUSE Paste
I don’t want to have to download a file to view.

Unable to paste whole output in SUSE PASTE so I have uploaded the file.

This is part of the NetworkManager file /var/log/


I doubt many people here will download such a file for obvious reasons. Your post has even be reported as possible spam. We give you the benifit of the doubt though.

In any case, when the output is that large, almost nobody will read all of it. Please try to study it yourself and to leave out parts that obviouly have nothing to do with your problem. I know that is a bit contray to the normal way of doing this, because interpretation of logings, etc. before offering it to the helpers here might result in removing informative parts. But there are always “natural” restrictiona in what can be done.

I can add that I tried some things with that link and IMHO the download does not contain a plain text file. As you may understand I (and others here) are very carefull in downloading things that are not 100% understood.

In that case I have posted the part of its output in the post#7

From what you’ve posted

  • The first requirement seems satisfied… The device is recognized.
  • So, you say you have been able to create a connection.
    Pls describe the main options of your connection…
  • System connection?
  • Verified you entered your Username/Password and any other required authentication?
  • Verified your phone carrier supports use of your device as a modem (many carriers block)?
  • Dialup/Serial connections correct? (- If your carrier posts the required config, pls provide URL)


For whatever reason, no service is detected. Are you able to try this device in the same location with a Windows machine?

  1. 2013-07-22T10:37:38.244094+00:00 Linux NetworkManager[8595]: <warn> CDMA connection failed: (32) No service

  1. 2013-07-22T10:37:38.244141+00:00  Linux NetworkManager[8595]: <info> (ttyUSB0): device state  change: prepare -> failed (reason 'none') [40 120 0]

  1. 2013-07-22T10:37:38.244157+00:00  Linux NetworkManager[8595]: <warn> Activation (ttyUSB0) failed  for connection 'Reliance connection'

You may also consider trying to activate this device using the ‘wvdial’ CLI utility instead. You may need to install the wvdial package first.

See if the following helps:

internet connection - Not Able to use Reliance Netconnect+ Modem ZTE AC2737 - Ask Ubuntu

I created a new broadband connection and have given username and password and saved it.While trying to activate the connection it shows me not enabled

Yes I got it working but everytime i need to give the root password for executing wvdial.How can i give user the permission to execute wvdial

Okay, I wanted to know whether you could get connected with wvdial before explaining how to run as normal user. The user account will need to be a member of the ‘dialout’ group (for user access to the USB interface), and to allow wvdial to run as non-root user do the following (as root)

chmod u+s /usr/bin/wvdial

Now the permissions should look like

ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 122664 Jul 16  2012 /usr/bin/wvdial

BTW, you should submit a bug report concerning the handling of this device. The activation failure is likely to be due to ModemManager (which NetworkManager uses to handle these type of devices) and its interaction with your particular hardware. The fact that you succeeded with ‘wvdial’ (which I had hoped would be the case) lends weight to this.

Yeah it is working fine but the thing is after I execute wvdial it shows a warning “No dns servers located in /etc/resolv.conf” so I have added google dns servers,, in /etc/resolv.conf.Now everything is working fine.

Thanks once again to all of you who supported me from the day 1 especially Deano Ferrari.

Yep, that’s not unusual - easy to fix as you’ve done.

Thanks once again to all of you who supported me from the day 1 especially Deano Ferrari.

Glad to have been of help. If you want the device to be handled by NM in the near future, make the effort to get a bug report submitted. It’s the only way it will get fixed. :slight_smile:

Could you guide me on how to submit the bug report.

Start here…

You’ll need to submit as much relevant info as possible, (and be prepared to be asked for more).