gnome 47 wayland
Gnome, somewhere, decides to run Packagekit to update the system, usually about 9:45am. Not a good time.
I thought that enabling and setting the time using /usr/lib/systemd/system/packagekit-background.timer was the ticket to success. Hah! Not so. It runs; it does nothing. Gnome still runs its version of packagekit at an inconvenient time.
How do I set the Gnome time for this to happen?
November 27, 2024, 10:39pm
I have this on KDE as well, I can stop it with systemctl
as root but not any other way
Disable packagekit.
TW should be updated at a CLI using “zypper dup”.
November 27, 2024, 11:04pm
How would we do that? package kit is only displayed in systemd while it is active, after that it disapears.
This is something that is started by Gnome itself:
2024-11-27T09:42:01-07:00 sma-station14l systemd[1]: Starting PackageKit Daemon...
2024-11-27T09:42:02-07:00 sma-station14l PackageKit[154636]: daemon start
2024-11-27T09:42:02-07:00 sma-station14l systemd[1]: Started PackageKit Daemon.
2024-11-27T09:42:02-07:00 sma-station14l PackageKit[154636]: uid 1000 is trying to obtain org.freedesktop.packagekit.system-sources-refresh auth (only_trusted:0)
2024-11-27T09:42:02-07:00 sma-station14l PackageKit[154636]: uid 1000 obtained auth for org.freedesktop.packagekit.system-sources-refresh
There is more after this that is downloading updates, and that is irrelevant. Gnome is doing this. How do I stop it?
@40476 I use;
systemctl disable --now packagekit-background.service packagekit-offline-update.service packagekit-background.timer packagekit.service
systemctl mask packagekit-background.service packagekit-offline-update.service packagekit-background.timer packagekit.service
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You cannot. gnome-software
checks for updates every hour and it is not configurable.
$ sudo systemctl disable --now packagekit-background.service packagekit-offline-update.service packagekit-background.timer packagekit.service
[sudo] password for root:
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
Disabling 'packagekit-background.service', but its triggering units are still active:
$ sudo systemctl mask packagekit-background.service packagekit-offline-update.service packagekit-background.timer packagekit.service
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/packagekit-background.service' → '/dev/null'.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/packagekit-offline-update.service' → '/dev/null'.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/packagekit-background.timer' → '/dev/null'.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/packagekit.service' → '/dev/null'.
Of course! This was so obvious! [slaps forehead]
Every hour? That seems ridiculous.
Since the system journal shows PK running once a day, I am inclined to doubt your statement.
@arvidjaar Looks like it can be disabled?
gsettings get allow-updates
gsettings set allow-updates 'false'
Yes, it was not quite correct. GNOME Software runs every hour and triggers checks once a day. Which is not configurable either nor is period when it performs the checks (it will be after approximately 6am plus some random offset).
In the past I configured GNOME Software to only check without downloading. This provided notifications and updates have been loaded when I started GNOME Software. It did not work reliably - often the first attempt to download failed and I had to restart it. Since then I switched to using Tumbleweed snapshots and stopped caring.
Hmm. If I try this, how do I revert it?
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November 29, 2024, 6:36am
should be able to replace disable with enable and it should work in reverse
@jimbobrae reverse order and change mask
to unmask
and then disable --now
to enable --now
and should be back to the default
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