I find the new version vastly inferior in terms of usability. One thing that REALLY gets me is lack of fuzzy string searching in the list of packages. In 13.2 I could just type “qt creator” and get both Qt4 and Qt5 versions. In 42.1 I get “zero results” even if the search string has a frigging space at the beginning or end (i.e. “libqt5-creator” finds the package and "libqt5-creator " does not).
A number of Desktops(and as you’ve discovered versions) open Software Management with different default settings (I use several so have noticed what you describe, too) but whatever you want is still there, nothing has changed except for the default view.
Based on what you’ve posted, click on the “View” with downwards arrow at the top of the left pane and a dropdown should appear with a number of options. You’ll probably want to select something like “Groups” or “Patterns” to see what you’ve seen before, or select something else you’d like.
The first screenshot was taken in 13.2. Believe me when I say that for me it is new look of YaST in 42.1. Maybe you have another look because you don’t use XFCE.
At the very least I want a proper text search function with approximate string matching.
Thanks, but all that does is opens a left panel with patterns. I’m not interested in those and this is not the reason why I want to revert (proper search is).
This does not look like the same program with another default view. This looks like a completely different application.
I must say that I saw the “new” version of YaST (on the 2nd screenshot) for a long time, if I was using KDE as my DE. As long as I installed XFCE as my default DE, YaST always looked like on the 1st screenshot (all the way to 13.2).
In 13.2 I had both UI’s depending if I was using a qt or gtk desktop, personally I prefer the qt UI, maybe the gtk UI was abandoned in 42.1 (I have no gtk desktop’s to try it on) what happens if you run
yast2 --gtk
maybe you need to install some extra yast packages
Are you sure you don’t have a dropdown option “Groups” which should be exactly what you were seeing before?
(That selection gives me the exact same as your screenshot on LXDE but the Desktop should not make a diff in selections)
Thank you man, now I finally understand how things work. I didn’t know that yast2 had several frontends using different frameworks. You are absolutely right, my YaST2 on XFCE used the GTK frontend (1st screenshot).
The problem is that this frontend was removed from yast (see this commit). So now I am screwed^W forced to use the Qt version.
So the question is now: how to get proper search in the Qt version of YaST? Since most of you guys say that you prefer the Qt version, it obviously should be some way to get at least the same level of UX as with the abandoned GTK version.
You quit too easily. Selecting Package group view will replicate what you show in your screencap.
Only “but” is that search field is not integrated, you have to click the search tab. Not too difficult, IMHO.
Fuzzy search, with the standard settings, if you search for abc, you get:
If you append a blank space to the same search string, you’ll only get:
because there’s an "abc " string ONLY in the description of this package, which is ticked in the search options.
AFAIK(*) Yast Software Manager search uses the same engine regardless of the gui, there’s no difference is the search results if the search settings are the same. You’re just interpreting the blank space result as a “fuzzy” capability, when in fact the string has to exist to be found.
Now, having the search field present for all tabs would save you one additional click, granted. I’d suggest you make a but report on this, not as a bug but as an improvement, stating your reasons for such. The devs may agree with you.
Good luck!
(*) But then, I’ve never liked the -gtk gui, so I can’t confirm this offhand.
I find the new version vastly inferior in terms of usability. One thing that REALLY gets me is lack of fuzzy string searching in the list of packages. In 13.2 I could just type “qt creator” and get both Qt4 and Qt5 versions. In 42.1 I get “zero results” even if the search string has a frigging space at the beginning or end (i.e. “libqt5-creator” finds the package and "libqt5-creator " does not).[QUOTE]
I’ve long found the qt version the more versatile…
In the search tab, set search type to wildcard. For the search term try “qt?creator” and search.
Go back to search type of contains, for the search term try “qt creator”. Check the box marked description and search.
It’s easier to just show what I am talking about. Consider this example: I need to install the Qt5 library that manages SQL. I know that the package name must contain phrases “libqt5” and “sql”. So I just open the package search and type “libqt5 sql”.
Both screenshots were made on one and the same 13.2 system by launching yast2 from terminal, with --gtk and --qt keys.
Could you please tell me how can I get with Qt version the same result as with GTK version? Because I am kinda used to YaST being able to, well, find the packages I need.
I do not, because I (sadly) do not have such choice (see my previous post).
I don’t even know what to answer you. I can only repeat (once again) that I had this GUI (which is actually not an “old look” but a GTK frontend) for several years as the default YaST2 GUI in XFCE, and lost it just now when I updated from 13.2 to 42.1.
Thanks, I know what a wildcard is and how to use them. I even know how to use regular expressions. But that doesn’t mean that I want to be forced to always use them when I don’t know the exact naming of the packet.
GTK frontend allowed me to search needed packages as simple as in Google.
I don’t even know what to answer you. I can only repeat (once again) that I had this GUI (which is actually not an “old look” but a GTK frontend) for several years as the default YaST2 GUI in XFCE, and lost it just now when I updated from 13.2 to 42.1.[/QUOTE]
I’m deeply sorry, I must learn to read before answering. I would edit my post but unfortunately 10 minutes have already passed.
You are absolutely right, I remember seeing the second screenshot version as YaST’s GUI about 3-4 years ago, when I just tried OpenSuSE for the first time. However, very soon (in one of the updates) it was replaced with the GTK GUI, and for me it was like a breath of fresh air.
Well they totally rewrote (converted) Yast for its original special language to ruby This was introduced in 13.2 think
I find the search function great if you don’t know or are not sure of a part or full name you can check the box to look into the description and for programs that may be in packages you use provides. The default option is contains so any sub string is found in the whole search criteria
From the last example he gave, I think he wants to do an AND: libqt5 AND sql
I don’t offhand know how you’d do that with regular expressions without getting into something complex.
This kind of works, but forces order: (libqt5)+.*(sql)+
Nor does it highlight the terms.
Maybe search mode needs an option for Contains all words?