How to restart systemd

Occasionally after installing system updates via zypper I’m told that there are running processes using deleted files, which I can list with zypper ps. Often some systemd service is among them, and I can fix this by running systemctl stop systemd-SERVICENAME; systemctl start systemd-SERVICENAME. However, sometimes systemd is shown without any corresponding service:

# zypper ps
The following running processes use deleted files:

PID | PPID | UID | Login | Command | Service | Files                    
1   | 0    | 0   | root  | systemd |         | /lib64/

You may wish to restart these processes.
See 'man zypper' for information about the meaning of values in the above table.

In such cases is there any way of restarting systemd short of rebooting? I’ve tried init 1 but that didn’t work.

On 2014-01-27 11:16, psych0naut wrote:

> In such cases is there any way of restarting systemd short of rebooting?
> I’ve tried init 1 but that didn’t work.

The PID is 1, so it is the master process, the parent of all the processes.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

That’s what I suspected. But is it at least possible to get it to restart whatever part of itself which depends on /lib64/

You can restart systemd with:

systemctl daemon-reexec