How to resolve 'Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory' in openSUSE


Every time i install i get this error → Failed to connect to bus: No medium found - i am on chromeOS and latest opensuse =) all programs that i install works.

How can i fix that ?

vinberg77@suse:~> sudo zypper in thunderbird
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘thunderbird’ not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
Resolving package dependencies…

The following 2 NEW packages are going to be installed:
MozillaThunderbird libdbus-glib-1-2

2 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 60.0 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 218.0 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/…? shows all options] (y):
Retrieving package libdbus-glib-1-2-0.112-2.5.x86_64 (1/2), 87.5 KiB (215.3 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: libdbus-glib-1-2-0.112-2.5.x86_64.rpm …[done]
Retrieving package MozillaThunderbird-102.1.2-2.1.x86_64 (2/2), 59.9 MiB (217.8 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: MozillaThunderbird-102.1.2-2.1.x86_64.rpm …[done (7.5 MiB/s)]

Checking for file conflicts: …[done]
(1/2) Installing: libdbus-glib-1-2-0.112-2.5.x86_64 …[done]
Failed to connect to bus: No medium found
(2/2) Installing: MozillaThunderbird-102.1.2-2.1.x86_64 …[done]

Kind regards,

Please, take a look at, your repository list with “zypper repos --details”.
Please, check for an entry with the “Type” of ‘NONE’.

  • The URI for that entry is probably indicating a path which is a device on your system.
    Which, is the removable medium you used to install your system – which, almost certainly, has been removed from your system – it is after all, a “removable” medium …

Simply, disable «DO NOT DELETE or REMOVE» the repository which is your installation medium.

**Thank you! **rotfl!

Can i get/find Cros guest tools for ChromeOS - Opensuse like Arch and Fedora…

Kind Regards,

This has nothing to do with the first problem, please open a new thread.

That’s a very weird this to say (chromeOS and opensuse are two distinct operating systems)…

Perusing what this is about, I can infer you’re trying to run an opensuse container on chromeOS (any reason why you chose to omit this crucial information?).

Back to the original problem, an rpm script trying to connect to dbus, and failed because it’s not available. Generally it won’t be available when building a container image, and it shouldn’t be available in the first place as you want a reproducible build. A container instance can have a bind mount to the host dbus, but that’s not strictly necessary, in particular if you want to isolate the workload.

How can i fix that ?

Are you sure it needs fixing? Does the program fails when launching it? If you verify you need a connection to dbus, you need to decide on how to get that connection.

Small and bad video =) Opensuse - Tumbelweed and ChromeOS works great!

Snapd, flatpak and Opi =)

Easy installation.

All works incl sound for Linux. Set up lxc continer and login and add repos, opi and yust.
Install cros-garcon from opi and get repos and install yust. From there you can setup cros guest tools and make
an user from yust. Will install alot of stuff

after that there is some magic to do in chronos…

**First go to ****crosh (Chrome OS Developer Shell) - Press **Ctrl+Alt+T

vsh termina
lxc stop penguin --force
lxc rename penguin debian

Create the Opensuse container

lxc launch images: opensuse/tumbelweed penguin

Login to container

lxc exec penguin – bash

Now install opi, yust and packman repos
Install cros-garcon to get repos from opi and install so much you can for yust. Login
to yust and install user and cros guest tools. Will install alot of stuff to make life easy…

If it ask for password for sudo add → passwd root ← just do it any way

After yust go back to chronos - CROSH and do follow…
Enable sudo for your user:

groupadd sudo
usermod -aG sudo $username
usermod -aG wheel $username

Enable linger for your user:[/FONT]
systemctl unmask systemd-logind
loginctl enable-linger $username

After that login to visudo -> type: EDITOR=nano visudo

# ^ Uncomment the line that says:

After that Enable integration services

systemctl enable cros-sftp

Now type exit and do *Go back to termina. type: *lxc console penguin and login user.

Final… Put this in consol

systemctl --user enable sommelier@0 sommelier-x@0 sommelier@1 sommelier-x@1 cros-garcon pulseaudio

If sound not work - extra…

cp /etc/skel/.config/pulse/d* ~/.config/pulse
systemctl --user enable pulseaudio