How to repair iso? I used rsync but failed! Also Ubuntu with Unity3D or openSUE?

Hello free World,

Greetings from a linux newbie.

I downloaded the DVD iso of size 4.12 GB using my windows 7 system. It is having a different check sum, hence tried to repair with rsync.
For repairing the iso, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity 3D.
I tried rsync a couple of times from different servers. I could not locate the exact sized iso - later realised - as I was only seeing the dir name 12.1 in the mirrors while using rsync rsync.
So the command did not work. It installed some ~600MiB, different iso without repairing my present iso. How to resolve this?

In the event, I am really liking the 3D effect of Ubuntu. (Am I correct that it is a property of Unity 3D - Mine is a laptop -Intel Core2Duo -T5470@1.6GHz x2 with 965GM chipset integrated graphics card and 2GB RAM). Is openSUSE 12.1 with KDE/GNOME better? I am a hobbyist photographer(learning GIMP now) and I would like more detail and a 3D effect. In any case the display is far better with Ubuntu than my earlier Windows 7.
So please throw your opinion on whether I should change to openSUSE from Ubuntu or not.

Thank you
PS: Mods please move to proper board, if it’s wrongly posted :slight_smile:
PPS: Can 3D effect be obtained in openSUSE 12.1 also?

When you now have a Linux system running, why don’t you just download using e.g. wget? wget is very good in recovering when the connection is not that good (I guess that is what broke it the first time).

And please one question in a thread. Your other question is better served in a seperate thread with a title that draws the attention to what it is about.

Thank you for the reply Velden. I was trying to get it repaired without resorting to download again. It took a day to get that downloaded. Hence I do not want to delete it just like that. :slight_smile:

Please remove the second question as I have opened a seperate thread for that.

Though I am not sure about all the internals of rsync, I guess it will see the ISO file as what it is: one file. It might then conclude that it is not up to date having a different checksum) and then want to download all of it. Which brings you to the same situation.

Also I am not sure about your trials. You must be aware that not all download mirrors support the rsync protocol. You must find one that does else you will not even get connected to that mirror.

We normaly do not change posts. I hope people will not act on your ther questions here, but go to your new thread. This to avoid a mess!

On 2012-06-17 17:06, ArunBin wrote:
> Thank you for the reply Velden. I was trying to get it repaired without
> resorting to download again. It took a day to get that downloaded. Hence
> I do not want to delete it just like that. :slight_smile:

Please post the exact command line you are using with rsync to get it done.
Use code tags.

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Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2012-06-17 17:36, hcvv wrote:
> Though I am not sure about all the internals of rsync, I guess it will
> see the ISO file as what it is: one file. It might then conclude that it
> is not up to date having a different checksum) and then want to download
> all of it. Which brings you to the same situation.

No, no, rsync, with the proper command, will check and download only the
wrong section, not all. This is documented. But I need to see what exact
command line he used.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I have followed the exact steps given here… SDB:Download help - openSUSE
I used a mirror from which rsync was available. Code is given below.

rsync rsync://
[Found out it is given in /distribution/12.1]
touch /media/new\ volume/SUSE/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-i586.iso   I have still NTFS partitions]
rsync -avP rsync:// /media/new\ volume/SUSE/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-i586.iso

It has downloaded the entire CD image in a new directory 12.1. The new file is openSUSE-12.1-Addon-Lang-i586.iso and within the new 12.1 other directories repo etc are also created.

But now I notice that from that server the DVD image is not availbale. I guess that was the issue. – Still it was my third attempt. The attempts before were tried using the mirror rsync://
Could you please provide me the exact codes?
Thanks for the replies.

No. It’s different. But it’s much more different with Gnome than with KDE. openSUSE (like other distros with Gnome3 desktops) use gnome-shell. Ubuntu didn’t want that. That’s why they created Unity.

The desktop effects in Unity3D are achieved by compiz (which is not compatible with gnome-shell). If you like gnome + compiz, you should stick with Ubuntu.

You can explore what is on offer from an rsync server with a simple command:


However it looks like is down at the moment - it just times out trying to connect.
I routinely use rsync to mirror e.g. the update and factory repos.

Also: you said in one post that you have NTFS partition - you are sure it is NTFS, and not a FATxx type, as the latter won’t support a 4.7GB file?

Richard (MQ)

On 2012-06-17 18:56, ArunBin wrote:

> Could you please provide me the exact codes?

Ok, an example. I have not done it in a year or two, but it is not that
difficult. I have a CD iso, and I modify one byte (a single wrong byte!)
with an editor:

> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> l
> total 1355780
> drwxr-xr-x  2 cer users        91 Jun 18 01:30 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 49 cer users      4096 Jun 18 01:13 ../
> -rw-r--r--  1 cer users 694157312 Jun 18 01:30 openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
> -rw-r--r--  1 cer users 694157312 Jun 18 01:29 openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso~
> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> cmp openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso~
> openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso~ differ: byte 59617, line 12
> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso>

I locate a mirror server, and I locate the file I want:

> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> rsync rsync://
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2012/05/01 14:00:28 .
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2012/05/31 16:49:58 distribution
> drwxrwxr-x         512 2009/10/29 08:16:29 factory-tested
> drwxrwxr-x         512 2010/09/23 12:49:20 factory
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2012/02/12 17:49:22 update

> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> rsync rsync://
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2012/05/31 16:49:58 .
> -rw-r--r--         193 2008/10/01 23:02:59 README.Factory
> lrwxrwxrwx           4 2011/11/16 16:52:46 openSUSE-current
> lrwxrwxrwx           4 2011/11/16 16:52:49 openSUSE-stable
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2009/10/29 17:07:29 11.1
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2009/11/15 08:44:16 11.2
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2010/09/22 11:27:13 11.3
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2011/11/12 09:43:15 11.4
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2011/11/12 09:45:49 12.1
> drwxr-xr-x         512 2012/06/14 15:14:14 12.2-Beta1

> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> rsync rsync://
> drwxr-xr-x        3072 2011/11/13 00:00:54 .
> -rw-r--r--   653770752 2011/11/10 21:18:43 openSUSE-12.1-Addon-Lang-i586.iso


> -rw-r--r--   694157312 2011/11/12 09:51:45 openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso


> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso>

Do it:

> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> rsync -avP
> receiving incremental file list
> openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
>    554014320  79%  107.26MB/s    0:00:01


> receiving incremental file list
> openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
>    694157312 100%  106.17MB/s    0:00:06 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
> sent 184504 bytes  received 131872 bytes  21819.03 bytes/sec
> total size is 694157312  speedup is 2194.09
> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso>

Done. Done in seconds. :slight_smile:


> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> l
> total 1355780
> drwxr-xr-x  2 cer users        91 Jun 18 01:36 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 49 cer users      4096 Jun 18 01:13 ../
> -rw-r--r--  1 cer users 694157312 Nov 12  2011 openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso
> -rw-r--r--  1 cer users 694157312 Jun 18 01:29 openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso~
> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso> cmp openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso openSUSE-12.1-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso~
> cer@Telcontar:~/tmp/iso>

Notice: not all mirrors work.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Thank you much Carlos E. R. However it did not require any rsync!! My initial download was perfect and I installed openSUSE from my initial DVD i burnt!
But at first, it was not booting up… Hence I checked md5sum using windows 7 application and later in ubuntu. Both gave me checksum which was different from what was given on the website - SDB:Download help - openSUSE. I got a different checksum but which was correct according to the sync server iso.md5 file!! I did not check the .md5 before downloading/ running rsync.Learned it the hard way. Anyway I am typing this from openSUSE alive and running. Great. :slight_smile:
Thank you all for the help. :slight_smile:
