There is a gray lock next to the icons. When i try to delete the icons a message reads “Error removing file: Permission denied”
im using gnome 11.1.
There is a gray lock next to the icons. When i try to delete the icons a message reads “Error removing file: Permission denied”
im using gnome 11.1.
Hi. Try to delete them as root. Maybe that works…
Hi that’s the same problem I posted recently:
Gnome desktop icons resetting - openSUSE Forums
If you login as root the “locked icons” are not showed, this is a very annoying issue.
By the way user can use the icons that are working correctly if you double click on them, so it is not a blocking issue.
Perhaps it’s a read but not write type of thing?
I can suggest one thing and that’s to delete it as root. You said it points to /usr/share/dist/desktop-files/
So hit alt+f2 then type:
gnomesu nautilus
Browse to that folder and delete the icons.
Good Luck,
thanks alot ian.
hit alt+f2 then type:
gnomesu nautilus
That sit
There is an other way.
Type in this in your terminal, as a usual user:
gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/desktop/predefined_items_dir --type string ""
Then, on the desktop, press F5, to refresh it.
Seen this tips here:
Bye !
sudo rm /usr/share/dist/desktop-files/*