how to rebuild the raid system?

i was perfectly running a raid system for quiet a while and now the system detected that there is damaged to one-of-the harddrive. although it is still running, i have to change the damaged one to a new one.

do i just have to change the harddrive and it automatically rebuild its partitions and data or there are some commands i have to enter so rebuild it?

thanks in advance…

On 2012-06-18 11:26, xeroblast wrote:
> i was perfectly running a raid system for quiet a while and now the
> system detected that there is damaged to one-of-the harddrive. although
> it is still running, i have to change the damaged one to a new one.
> do i just have to change the harddrive and it automatically rebuild its
> partitions and data or there are some commands i have to enter so
> rebuild it?

How do you expect us to know, if you don’t even say if it is a real
hardware raid, a software raid, or a mobo fake raid? Or a raid 0,1,5, 10…
Do you expect a documentary here?

Sigh… Sorry, but I don’t understand people using a raid and not learning
ahead of time how to repair them. They are complex things!

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Like said in above msg. Give more info. What kinda raid? hw ow sw? Hw can usually build auto after changing hdd.

raid card?
format? 0,1,5,6,10,50?

if 0,1 then ur fux0red…others should autorepeare by just replacing the hdd


@antsup: Can you please write understandable English? I do not know if English speaking people from a particular region can understand your puzzles, but I am sure that many, non native Enbglish speakers here, will have big problems in understanding you.

hcvv wrote:
> @antsup: Can you please write understandable English? I do not know if
> English speaking people from a particular region can understand your
> puzzles, but I am sure that many, non native Enbglish speakers here,
> will have big problems in understanding you.


I use 3ware RAID etc but I’m not going to try answering questions
written like these.

The puzzling post was not from the OP (@xeroblast), but from @antsup who, if I interprete correctly, did what allready was done, ask for more info.

But as the OP @xeroblast did not post anything since his first post four days ago, I guess we better leave this thread as an example how not to ask questions.