How to power off openSuSE 11.1 from case button?

Hello: anyone knows how to configure openSuSE 11.1 to automatically power off when I push the power button on the case? I have no monitor, so I need the system to power off normally when I push that button. Thanks!:wink:

darthcolo wrote:

> Hello: anyone knows how to configure openSuSE 11.1 to automatically
> power off when I push the power button on the case? I have no monitor,
> so I need the system to power off normally when I push that button.
> Thanks!:wink:

No special configuration necessary, so something isn’t quite working on
your machine. It would seem to indicate an ACPI problem. Can you
describe your hardware please - maybe it’s a well-known issue.

Per Jessen, Zürich (26.5°C)

When I push the power button, openSuSE shows a windows with options (logout, restart, power off, etc). I need that openSuSE power off automatically, not to show that window.

The hardware:
• Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.90GHz
• 384 MB RAM
• 35.64 GB HD
• Mother: a very old Soyo (I think)

When you have no monitor, you are not loged in I presume. And when I am not loged in and press the button it does as if root type shutdown -h now.

When I am loged in it asks. Not illogical IMHO.

In case you are using KDE4

Control center (advanced) -> Power Safe managment -> Profiles (or something similar, I’m on a not english language system)
There you can define the function of the power button from showing a dialog to directly shuting down the system.

greeting Kump

darthcolo wrote:

> When I push the power button, openSuSE shows a windows with options
> (logout, restart, power off, etc). I need that openSuSE power off
> automatically, not to show that window.

Hmm, I have never seen that - I have a couple of 11.0/1/2 machines
around, none of them ask when I hit the power button.
I guess there is an option somewhere, but I don’t know where to look.
KDE/desktop settings maybe?

Per Jessen, Zürich (28.1°C)

You need to check the BIOS settings either ACPI S1/S3 or if there is a
soft-off by power button option.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 2 days 14:13, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.02
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - Driver Version: 256.35

darthcolo wrote:
> When I push the power button, openSuSE shows a windows with options
> (logout, restart, power off, etc). I need that openSuSE power off
> automatically, not to show that window.

you can make it stop asking by just jerking the power cord out of the
socket :wink:


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CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

In case you are using KDE4

Control center (advanced) -> Power Safe managment -> Profiles (or something similar, I’m on a not english language system)
There you can define the function of the power button from showing a dialog to directly shuting down the system.

greeting Kump

That worked!
The steps:

  1. Find ‘Configure Desktop’ in your system menu
  2. Click ‘Advanced’
  3. Click ‘Power Management’
  4. Click ‘Edit Profiles’
  5. Select ‘Performance’

In that window are all the options.

Thank you very much.

P.S.: I use the openSuSE box via VNC.