So, I would like to listen to the audio from my line-in cable through my headset. However, in Pulse Audio Volume Control it is listed as an input device. I currently have Pulseaudio and ALSA installed. On Windows I was able to do this by going to my sound settings, going to the recordings tab, into the line-in’s properties and checking the “listen to this device” box. I am relatively new to Linux in general so simple advice would be appreciated.
Ok Pulse audio volume settings are all associated an application so each application has it’s own input and output associations.
You did not mention OS version or Desktop this can make a difference
There was a way to have the mic echo to the output but I now forget how maybe someone else remembers
Not sure how to attach the line in to the headphones. You may need to use an application like jack which I think should give finer control of in and out connections.
Right, I’m running Opensuse 13.2 and Cinnamon 2.4.3 DE. (I know it’s not recommended to use, but Cinnamon works fine other than I get the “No greeter widget plugin loaded” if I log out.)
I’ve tried using QjackCtl to listen to the line in, but nothing happened so that didn’t seem to work.
You need the connection to pulse libs also to use jack and pulse at the same time.
There are possible others
After all I don’t know jack