Hello I am new to linux as in I havent even installed it yet. I Have dont a lot of research but I still cant grasp something. How am I supposed to partition my drive? I am not dual booting. Theres so many terms on random forums any advice would be helpful! Thanks
If you are just installing suse let it do it all for you - just accept the default from the installer.
For a start caf4926 suggestion is the way to go.
If you are a type of want to explore more you can play with the yast partitioning while on your suse install cd/dvd.
Just be sure to use a fire rated and sound proof partition (just kidding)
Further to caf4926 & conram. Suse will try to take the whole drive. Fine if that’s what you want. However you can make the partitions smaller if you don’t want to use the whole space. You adjust the suggestions for partitioning made by the installer, using the Yast partitioner as conram suggested. I suggest partitions this size or larger:
swap: 1Gb (doesn’t really need to be any larger)
root (/): 10Gb
home (/home): 15Gb (a minimum IMHO)
Other ppl will recommend larger, but generally that’s a luxury unless you store lots of media or other archives, which you might even put on a fourth partition.