how to partition a HDD


I have a 53GB HDD were I’d like to install openSUSE11.2.

How should I partition it? What sizes to allocate for /, home, swap (should I make other partition separately?) and also what file system should I use?


There are other threads that discuss this issue. Please read them too.

If it is a desktop/laptop, the short answer is:
40 GB / (ext4)
2 GB swap
Rest /home (ext4)

How should I partition it?

I would use partedmagic

What sizes to allocate for /, home, swap (should I make other partition separately?)

That depends on how you use it,Is it a desktop install? Are you storing a large number of files or large files in home? are you going to be installing a large amount of software, trying diferent desktops etc?

what file system should I use?

In most cases ext4 is good bet.

This is a desktop install. 40GB for root isn’t a big one? I mean the rest for home is 11gb (40gb root + 2 swap out of 53gb)

Sorry about my post mentioning 40G for root. I read your post as 530GB! (Getting old, need a reading glass).

With such a small harddisk, you need to cut down on packages you install. You may have to provide about 5-10GB for the root partition. Also, consider something like 1GB for swap.

Thank you very much!

With 53GB only you could also consider / and swap only, just keep an eye on free space and a good back up.

It makes it more flexible
when it comes to your usage choices, and how they may change.

syampillai wrote:
> If it is a desktop/laptop, the short answer is:
> 40 GB /
> 2 GB swap
> Rest /home

i disagree!
make it

20 GB / (root/system)
2 GB swap
rest /home

depending on exactly how s/he intends to use it, these MAY be better:

10 GB /
8 GB /
30 GB /

but, i see a problem: that is a pretty small disk by today’s
standards…just how old is this hardware, and does it meet
recommended system requirements?

  • Pentium* III 500 MHz or higher processor (Pentium 4 2.4
    GHz or higher or any AMD64 for Intel* EM64T processor
  • 512 MB physical RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • 3 GB available disk space (more recommended)
  • 800 x 600 display resolution (1024 x 768 or higher recommended)


The hardware is pretty good, the problem is that this is the space that I could give for the opensuse.It will be a dual boot machine and I don’t have enough space.

Hard disk drives are quite cheap, 250GB Sata II for £29.58 pounds.

Delivery = £2.57 (super saver)

ionpetrache wrote:
> It will be a dual boot machine and I don’t have enough space.

then, NOW you are talking a completely different question!
you need to be clear when asking questions here. if you wanna dual
boot then:

where is the empty space? how many primary and extended partitions do
you already have? (there are limits) have you yet defragged the other
system’s drives (maybe there is more space available than you
know…or maybe less, MUCH less)?

in my opinion the only safe way to proceed is:

  1. back up all important data to an off machine space
  2. defrag Redmonds space using standard Redmond tools
  3. read, understand and follow: in which
    you will find two must read threads, in one of those you will find
    links to partitioning information…check out all the links…

and, there are hundreds of questions just like yours already discussed
here, try reading some of those to get more grounded in sorting
through your plan… see:

it may be free, but it ain’t as easy as some…
gather up some patience before the plunge…

ps: you showed good thinking by asking before installing…we get lots
here that do it the other way…and, then get mad because they
messed up and lost all their good stuff…


Thanks for the replies!

I installed openSUSE 11.2 (now I’m post from it :P)
The installer prompted a default configuration for partitions like this:

2 GB swap
20 GB /
30 GB /home

I used ext4.

Thanks to all for the replies.