How to monitor line-in inputs?

I have an XM Radio satellite feed and can run the audio output to the line-in input on my computer. Pavucontrol sees the signal and Audacity will pick it up for recording but I just want to listen to it not record it. I’ve found a number of posts and searches that discuss recording but not listening. I need an application that processes the input and gets it to my speakers but have been unsuccessful in locating one. I suppose it’s a simple fix but I could use some help.

Before I use the line-in of my machine to connect to the audio-out of one of my tv and can listen from the speaker with no additional application to use.
I haven’t try it for sometime because now, I am using hdmi connection from my tv. Does that mean it is broken? What openSUSE version are you using.

version is 12.2

Try this command

pactl load-module module-loopback

If it will not work as your user in the terminal try running it as su.
The command will add a loopback control in pavucontrol and should let you hear a sound from the audio
connected to the line-in then will go to your machine’s speaker.

Hope this help

That worked. I found the same suggestion at PulseAudio: Monitoring your Line-In Interface | The Linux Experiment with the added command: sudo sh -c ’ echo “load-module module-loopback” >> /etc/pulse/ ’ which loads the module at system startup. Thanks for the information.

Good to hear, now it’s working.
Happy listening.

Or you can add that line with a text editor in /etc/pulse/
something like this

#### Load loopback module
load-module module-loopback