To convert Xen Appliance build by SuseStudio to use Dom 0 LVM (in order to have a flexible disk)
- Create a Xen base JeOS appliance with SuseStudio.(Give about 2GB Disk)
- Download and extract
- Prepare the loop back and mount the partition (If you go for JeOS with minimal, you will have only one disk file (.raw) which is corresponding to /dev/xvda and have one partition where the root (/) is mounted on i.e. /dev/xvda1 → / (ext3) )
losetup -a
losetup -a will show all the used loop back devices,
so pick something that is not in use.
i.e. check ls -l /dev/loop* --> e.g /dev/loop3
losetup /dev/loop3 /path/to/VMFilename.raw
Use kpartx to map the partitions
kpartx -l /dev/loop3
This will show the partition mapping to be added by -a option
kpartx -a /dev/loop3
You can also put -v so that it'll display the map
Lets mount the partition now (assume the map is loop3p1 → /dev/mapper/loop3p1)
mkdir /mnt/old_root
mount /dev/mapper/loop3p1 /mnt/old_root
- Prepare the LVM and mount
Lets assume this
PV → sda (100GB)
VG → VolGroupVM ← for VM
using sda (100GB)
LV → LogVolMyXen00 (2GB) on VolGroupVM
Some of the code may not apply for everyone, pick what you need,
pvcreate /dev/sda
vgcreate VolGroupVM /dev/sda
lvcreate --size 2G --name LogVolMyXen00 VolGroupVM
now, format
mke2fs -j /dev/VolGroupVM/LogVolMyXen00
and mount,
mkdir /mnt/new_root
mount /dev/VolGroupVM/LogVolMyXen00 /mnt/new_root
- Copy the files from old to new
rsync -ax /mnt/old_root/* /mnt/new_root/.
and then unmount
umount /mnt/old_root
umount /mnt/new_root
add -v if you like a nice text screensaver lol!
- Edit the JeOSName.xenconfig file
disk= "tap:aio:JeOSName.raw,xvda,w" ]
disk= "phy:/dev/VolGroupVM/LogVolMyXen00,xvda1,w" ]
The tap:aio to phy
xvda to xvda1 (no more whole device will be using the partition directly)
- Resize LVM
lvextend --size +1G /dev/VolGroupVM/LogVolMyXen00
- Only downside is you still see as 2G in side VM not as 3G, so you have to restart the VM
- Once it’s VM is restarted you can resize by (log to VM first)
resize2fs /dev/xvda1
- Don’t forget to clean up
kpartx -d /dev/loop3
losetup -d /dev/loop3
I'm happy to contribute to opensuse community in anyway I can. I'm very new to opensuse and this is my first post, appreciate your help to improve this. :)
With Best Regards,