how to make polipo start at bootup?

I installed polipo and polipo working perfectly, but it won’t startup when I bootup the system.
To start polipo correctly, root privilige is needed.

I remember that in Ubuntu polipo starts with the system after installation.

What should I do to make polipo start during the bootup process?

Thank you

  1. Configure Desktop
  2. Advance
  3. Autostart
  4. Add Program

Many thanks for that tip arodlinux. However, I have a few more issues that I hope you may be able to help me with.
I have Suse 11.2 x86_64 and followed the instructions here to set up Firefox/tor/polipo. This means that I have installed tor, the Torbutton Add-on in Firefox. and the recommended polipo configuration file given here as ~/.poliporc
My questions are:

  1. Is ~/.poliporc the correct name and place for the additional polipo configuration file? (I have also tried ~/.polipo)
  2. In Firefox Torbutton preferences I have “Use recommended Proxy Settings for my version of Firefox” and “Use polipo” checked. However, when I run the test it returns
Local HTTP Proxy is unreachable. Is Polipo running properly?

Might my problem be port related? I have tried a number of TCP port settings in Yast/Firewall/Allowed/External Zone/Advanced (like 443 80 9001 9030) and correspondingly in my router as port forwarding?
Many thanks,

Oh, a third question:
Do I need to start a daemon for tor in the same way as polipo, or have a configuration file ~/.torrc?
If I try to start tor using

sudo /etc/init.d/tor start

The output is

Starting tor daemon
Feb 07 12:45:20.989 [notice] Tor v0.2.1.22. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux x86_64)
Feb 07 12:45:21.011 [warn] Unable to open configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Feb 07 12:45:21.011 [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.
/usr/bin/torctl start: tor could not be started 

Many thanks,

to get tor starting properly, review and edit the file /etc/tor/torrc making sure that these lines are are NOT commented out.

SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections

SocksListenAddress # accept connections only from localhost

RunAsDaemon 1

ControlPort 9051

the torrc file contains much info about setting up the various configurations possible and you may end up adding some others later, but these should get tor to start for you.

i don’t know much about polipo since i use privoxy instead, but you should have to point your application to a port specified in polipo’s config file and direct polipo’s output to tor at 9050 (using the default ports for tor). No firewall rules will have to be changed since this setup doesn’t relay traffic.

Hi j_xavier,
Created a torrc from the torrc.sample file, made the changes, Ran the following but didn’t start, although I got some messages that were encouraging but in the end came up with fail.

sudo /etc/init.d/tor start

Also, Put along with polipo in autostart programs, rebooted, but didn’t start. So I tried to restart manually and got the following:

sudo /etc/init.d/tor start
Starting tor daemon
Feb 07 22:40:10.238 [notice] Tor v0.2.1.22. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux x86_64)
Feb 07 22:40:10.239 [warn] ControlPort is open, but no authentication method has been configured.  This means that any program on your computer can reconfigure your Tor.  That's bad!  You should upgrade your Tor controller as soon as possible.
Feb 07 22:40:10.241 [notice] Initialized libevent version 1.4.9-stable using method epoll. Good.
Feb 07 22:40:10.241 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
Feb 07 22:40:10.242 [notice] Opening Control listener on
/usr/bin/torctl start: tor could not be started


The log file suggests that there is a permissions problem with /var/lib/tor/lock as follows, however I am starting tor as root:

Feb 07 22:54:27.356 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Feb 07 22:54:27.356 [warn] Couldn't open "/var/lib/tor/lock" for locking: Permission denied
Feb 07 22:54:27.356 [err] set_options(): Bug: Acting on config options left us in a broken state. Dying.

nothing obvious seems amiss that you have tried, but try this another way:

from your desktop start the yast2 gui and navigate to System/SystemServices(RunLevel), on the first tab of this window there should be a “tor” entry in the list that is disabled. Highlight that entry and hit the Enable button, lower left. In a moment you should get a msgbox that reports the start (success/fail). If it starts successfully, toggle the Simple/Expert selection at the top and make sure that the boxes are checked for runlevel 3 and 5. Then click OK on lower right to save the configuration and exit.

While you are in yast2 still, navigate to SecurityAndUsers/UserGroupManagement, from that window highlight the user name that wants to use tor (yourself) and click Edit, then in the second tab of that display “Details” make sure that the user is added (checked) into the tor group (could be _tor depending on the rpm installed). This should handle the permissions to use tor by that user. Hit Okay to save and exit out of yast2.

provided that all this went smoothly, reboot and tor should already be running as a service, so you won’t have to start it from cli. Perhaps polipo will operate properly now that it gets what it expects.

good luck.

Hi j_xavier,
In SystemServices on the SimpleMode tab I located tor. Enabled was “No” so I clicked the Enable button and got the following message:

/etc/init.d/tor start returned 7 (program is not running):

Anyway, in “ExpertMode” I set tor’s runlevels to 3 & 5. Also, due to the error message I mentioned above, I renamed the /var/lib/tor/lock to /var/lib/tor/lock.old. As expected, this caused a new lock file to be created.
However, all to no avail. The tor service didn’t start. In SystemServices it has a star and the status is the same as above:

/etc/init.d/tor start returned 7 (program is not running):

I am a bit perplexed,

Hi j_xavier,
All fixed once I found I needed the unstable alpha rpm from the (see this post).
Also, I have both .popilorc and .polipo as the the configuration file in my home directory. I don’t know which one it is using.
Many thanks for your help,

glad you sorted it out, well done.

i’m a bit puzzled as to exactly why your other configuration didn’t work properly… the alpha version should not have been required, and i will do some investigation on my own to try and understand it.

i recommended the alpha version after the last openssl update handcuffed the version of tor, since the patch to fix it was included… the more recent “stable” includes this patch also but doesn’t have some other experimental features (exit control strategies) that have little to do with just getting the program to run on a machine. hence my bewilderment…

if i run into any relevant info, i’ll post it here.

Thanks j_xavier, I will monitor this thread. Stuart

A last thought for now, my next step in the journey to view UK tv flash content has been to append strict exit nodes 1 and exitnodes {GB} in torrc. All this works nicely. However, I found that in order to play flash one must unblock applications, which circulates back the originating address and has the effect of undoing all the good work in getting to this point! Upon investigation it looks like a VirtualBox “tor vm” might be a somewhat inconvenient solution. A commercial site already solved the issue so it would be great if flash is something that could be addressed as part of tor’s development.
Many thanks, Stuart