How to make Nvidia Optimus on OpenSUSE 13.2 (See details inside)

There was a kernel update (3.16.7-7-desktop), so I tried to install bumblebee and nvidia-bumblebee again. During installation of bumblebee I got an error saying something about nvidia.ko missing, but I ignored it. After that I tried instaling nvidia-bumblebee and I got no errors, which really surprised me.

After rebooting I tried running optirun glxspheres, but it didn’t work.

Tried editing /etc/modprobe.d/50-bbswitch.conf load_state from 0 to -1:

cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-bbswitch.conf 
options bbswitch load_state=-1 unload_state=1

I rebooted the laptop once again and tried running:

optirun glxspheres
Polygons in scene: 62464
Visual ID of window: 0x20
Context is Direct
OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GT 640M/PCIe/SSE2

280.831507 frames/sec - 248.636983 Mpixels/sec

It works!!
Finally, after 2 weeks of trying.

Thank you all for help.

Perfect! I was looking for this :slight_smile:
I took the liberty to add this to the official openSUSE NVIDIA-Bumblebee wiki page.

Maybe we should consider opening a bug ticket for this in bbswitch.

You probably should add the necessity to rebuild the initrd after having changed the content of /etc/modprobe.d/50-bbswitch.conf.


Might be wrong, but I think that what the user was trying to do was using the support for optimus tech in the newest Nvidia driver, instead of using bumblebee. I’m interested in this too, btw.

Bumblebee is not bad and a great effort to make this tech work in linux, but still performance is poor compared to what you get in windows. To get the best from the nvidia card you have to use NVIDIA PRIME. It’s better described here:

(ubuntu have a package to automate the install)

Or here:

(see section “Using NVIDIA”)

It’s a different approach to bumblebee, gets more performance from the nvidia card, but as a downside, you need to choose if you’re going to use the nvidia card or intel before logging. Also, you should have the option to choose the nvidia card from the Nvidia Xsettings GUI.

On the other hand, Bumblebee lets you do other things like using each card on demand, running just some applications with the NVIDIA card, etc. But the problem is that it’s an overload and performence is worse and if you are planning to play some games on Steam, for example, you’ll problably end using a Windows partition for that, which sucks… :frowning:

Is there any solution for OpenSUSE similar to nvidia-prime on Ubuntu, that doesn’t need Bumblebee? Bumblebee has very bad performance compared to nvidia-prime on Ubuntu. It would be best to get rid of Bumblebee once and for all.

Well, I tried to install nouveau nvidia without BumbleBee, but for now with my supposed nouveau supported GT860M card driver, nouveau crashes my machine…

After that I installed BumbleBee with nouveau driver for nvidia, still crashes my machine.

Finally, continued the BumbleBee, installed with NVIDIA proprietary driver and everything works smoothly.
To run discretely on NVIDIA GPU, use optirun program-name, otherwise the Intel Integrated Card takes care of the graphics with xf86-video-intel driver.

If you don’t want the BumbleBee, and your GPU is crashing your system, you have to avoid nouveau driver for nvidia, and run your graphics with Intel Integrated Card on the CPU chipset.

  1. At time of grub screen selection either you go with Advanced opensuse 13.2 options and choose recovery mode, either you go for regular mode and type “e” appending “nomodeset” in the linux grub line

  2. Once in Gnome, go to Yast-Bootloader Options and in the regular boot option details, insert nomodeset as well.

Your machine won’t use nouveau nvidia driver
