How to make CapsLock work as an additional control key


I am using OpenSuse 12.1 with KDE. In the Konsole Terminal I did below:

$ sudo dumpkeys | head -1 > /usr/share/keymaps/Caps2Ctrl.mapThen add the following lines to

keycode 58 = Control #This makes Caps act as Ctrl # keycode 29 = Caps_Lock #This makes Ctrl act as Caps # alt_is_meta #This fixes the Alt keyThen run loadkeys on that file:

$ sudo loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/

But it does not work. Can any of you tell me how to make Caps key work as Control key please?

setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

I suspect it did work on the Linux console outside of X. :wink: