How to locate a package - xcompmgr

I had installed fluxbox into my openSUSE 11.3 installation and wanted to add the package - xcompmgr

However I google, just can’t locate it.

Is there anyway to locate packages specifically for openSUSE 11.3?

By the way, I’ve also tried :

Hello michalng,

There is a way, but you’ve already tried it.

So I think it’s not available in a package for openSUSE 11.3.
What you can do is grab the source and compile it yourself.

Best of luck!:wink:

xcompmgr ist part of Xorg. So you should have it already.

rpm -ql xorg-x11 | grep xcompmgr

rpm -ql xorg-x11 | grep xcompmgr and get this


This is embrassing :slight_smile:

Was looking for it the wrong way with

zypper search xcompmgr and got this

Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
No packages found.

Thanks for the pointer.

I gave you that command just to show you that this program was already installed on your system.
You’re not going to find it with zypper. There is no xcompmgr package. The program xcompmgr located in the /usr/bin directory is part of the package xorg-x11. You don’t need to install it. You have it already.

Understand that, thanks.