Came across something curious I hadn’t noticed before…
First, I found that “systemctl -a” doesn’t actually display “all” Units on the system - It only displays all “loaded” Unit files.
Install ssh server on 13.1.
If needed, but most likely already installed
zypper in openssh
Now, how to start the service? I started looking for the Unit file…
The following does not return the Unit file
systemctl -a | grep ssh
But the following does
systemctl list-unit-files | grep ssh
You can’t enable much less start an unloaded Unit file, I couldn’t find a way to activate the ssh Unit file except by the following way…
Exhausting everything I could think of and not finding anything in documentation I read(I may have missed something), I invoked ssh the “old, SystemV” way…
# /etc/init.d/bin/ssh start
Which did the trick. Now you can view the running ssh service
systemctl status ssh
I’m sure there should be a way to “load” the ssh Unit file without a SystemV init start command, looking for the right command
BTW - I think it’s really cool how the openSUSE folks have made ssh server installation so quick and painless… automating tasks like server key generation and installation, and configuring the ssh config file to automatically support most likely desired features like X11 forwarding, binding to any/all network interfaces. Kudos to the people who did that.