How to limit throughput on my eth0?


I was googling but I cannot find what I need. All articles I could find was how to limit users using bandwidth using squid, proxies etc.

I am flex developer and I was told that my progress bar for loading images is not working properly when connection is bad.
I can’t reproduce the problem because my link is too fast for (supposed) error to occur.

I need, somehow, to not let my eth0 accept more than, let’s say, 5 KB/s, so I can debug the application.

Or… even better, if I could simulate it in localhost…


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Quick Google of ‘iptables rate limit’ gave me a bunch of hits:

Looks like my SLED box has something that looks right for that:


Anyway, iptables (command to work with NetFilter) can do this. Search
for ‘limit’ in this document as well:

Good luck.

beli0135 wrote:
> Hi.
> I was googling but I cannot find what I need. All articles I could find
> was how to limit users using bandwidth using squid, proxies etc.
> I am flex developer and I was told that my progress bar for loading
> images is not working properly when connection is bad.
> I can’t reproduce the problem because my link is too fast for
> (supposed) error to occur.
> I need, somehow, to not let my eth0 accept more than, let’s say, 5
> KB/s, so I can debug the application.
> —
> Or… even better, if I could simulate it in localhost…
> Thanks!
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This should likely work:
YaST → Network Devices → Network Settings
Click on the desired device. Edit it. Click the general tab. Set the maximum transfer unit to a slow speed setting. Click next, etc.

I think you don’t understand what the MTU is. It’s not a speed setting. And while setting it to a low value will reduce speed, the reduction is not linear and will not be uniform across all packet sizes.

Thank you all.
I managed to slow transfer speed, but I found out that I cannot resolve problem like this, only see it.
There is no way I can remotely debug the application.
That puts me into daunting make->deploy->restart servers process. Too much time wasted.

I see now that proper solution would be to limit local Jetty server transfer, but that sounds quite difficult.