How to know all installed packages

hi all :slight_smile:
How to know all installed packages ? :question:

im test in konsole

rpm -qa | less 

its not good >:( ( konsole Do not save lines many :disapointed:)

Do you want a list of RPMs or the actual packages as known by YaST?

For the former, I take it your complaint is that you donā€™t know how to save the output of rpm.
Try this:

rpm -qa > /tmp/mypackages.txt

You can then open /tmp/mypackages.txt in your favourite text editor.

Alternatively, try going to ā€œSoftware Managementā€ in YaST, and then doing File > Export, and placing the file in a location you find convenient.
Then, open it with your favourite text editor or web browser.


On Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:16:01 +0000, maxray wrote:

> hi all :slight_smile:
> How to know all installed packages ? :question:
> im test in konsole
> Code:
> --------------------
> rpm -qa | less
> --------------------
> its not good >:( ( konsole Do not save lines many :disapointed:)


rpm qa > file.txt

Then open the file in your favourite text editor.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

On 2014-09-18 05:16, maxray wrote:
> hi all :slight_smile:
> How to know all installed packages ? :question:
> im test in konsole
> Code:
> --------------------
> rpm -qa | less
> --------------------
> its not good >:( ( konsole Do not save lines many :disapointed:)

Well, that is what ā€˜lessā€™ is for. Just page up and down as needed.

Hint: ā€˜lessā€™ has help on ā€˜hā€™.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 ā€œBottleā€ at Telcontar)

Thanks for all :slight_smile:
I like this :wink:

rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}
" > /tmp/mypackages.txt 

My question is, why do you need to know all the packages installed? or what is the end goal. Note that also print patches and pattern AFAIK.

Another option would be parsing the output of zypper but it might be printing patches and patterns too.

zypper se -si | awk '/^i/{print $3}'

Right it does print patch and pattern

zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 !~ /package/' | less


zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 !~ /package/{printf("%-20s %s
", $3, $5)}' | less

On 2014-09-20 05:46, jetchisel wrote:
> Right it does print patch and pattern

zypper does, but rpm, which what maxray is using, doesnā€™t :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 ā€œBottleā€ at Telcontar)

but it prints gpg-pubkeys at least for me.

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
' | grep gpg-pubkey
rpm -qa gpg-pubkey

Not sure if that matters though :slight_smile: but i did some more digging and here it is.

If you take a look deeper rpm prints gpg-pubkey and zypper does not.

Running diff between the output of rpm and zypper.

diff <(rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| sort) <(zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 ~ /package/{print $3}'| sort)

Or using comm.

comm -3 <(rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| sort) <(zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 ~ /package/{print $3}'| sort)

Counting all the package via rpm

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| wc -l

Also via zypper

zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 ~ /package/{print $3}'|wc -l

It should give different results, at least i have different results .

If you skip gpg-pubkey when using rpm that might do the trick though.

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| awk '!/gpg-pubkey/'
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'|awk '!/gpg-pubkey/' | wc -l

Now check those output with diff and comm.

diff <(rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| awk '!/gpg-pubkey/'| sort) <(zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 ~ /package/{print $3}'| sort)
echo $?

Zero means that both output has the same result, which means success. Comments and criticism are welcome anytime ;).

Sorry here is the comm :expressionless:

comm -3 <(rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}
'| awk '!/gpg-pubkey/'| sort) <(zypper se -si | awk '/^i/ && $5 ~ /package/{print $3}'| sort)
echo $?

On 2014-09-20 15:26, jetchisel wrote:
> but it prints gpg-pubkeys at least for me.

Yes, it does. They are actual packages.
You can use rpm -qi on them.

> If you take a look deeper rpm prints gpg-pubkey and zypper does not.

Trueā€¦ I did not know that zypper did not.

> Or using comm.

I had forgotten commā€¦

The output of ā€œrpmā€ tells what is really installed, thatā€™s the master
list. Zypper instead can list the list of applied patches. A patch is
not a package, but it converts one package from one version to another
one. So rpm lists the resulting version of the package.

So there are difference between bothā€¦

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 ā€œBottleā€ at Telcontar)

thnks :slight_smile:

zypper se -si | awk '/^i/{print $3}' 

more than lol!

 rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}
" > /tmp/mypackages.txt

My question is, why do you need to know all the packages installed?

i need for inastall software in suse studio in shrt time rotfl!

Copy the names of packages >thin> paste in Add quick (-:

Good Luck with your susestudio image :).