How to install tkinter for python3.x on opensuse tumbleweed

Hi I am desperately trying to install tkinter for python3.11. There is no side package tkinter to be found also no package that is called python3.11-tk or similar as on any other distribution. I am thankful for any advice on how to get this running.


Huh? There is:

sudo zypper in python311-tk

If you are not used to search for packages via terminal, YaST Software may help you.

Indeed, you are right but for some reason it seems not to provide tkinter. Running python -m Tkinter provides a graphical interface while python3.11 -m Tkinter does not erroring out with “/usr/bin/python3.11: No module named Tkinter”

Because the correct spelling is

python3.11 -m tkinter

YaST Software provides, under the “file list” tab, a list of all files (with the correct spelling) which are provided by a package.

Thanks again, for the tip, this actually works. Still I have the issue, that Pycharm cannot find the tkinter package despite using as far as I can tell the systems python installation.

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